Laffitte, Jacques

Laffitte, Jacques
born Oct. 24, 1767, Bayonne, France
died May 26, 1844, Maisons-sur-Seine

French banker and politician.

He became a partner in a Perregaux banking house in 1800 and head of the firm in 1804. As governor of the Bank of France (181419), he raised large sums of money for the provisional government in 1814 and for Louis XVIII during the Hundred Days. He saved Paris from a financial crisis in 1818. An early partisan of a constitutional monarchy under Louis-Philippe, he did much to secure Louis-Philippe's accession to the throne, and he briefly served as premier (183031) in the July Monarchy.

Jacques Laffitte, drawing by A. Devéria; in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

Courtesy of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris

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French banker and politician
born Oct. 24, 1767, Bayonne, Fr.
died May 26, 1844, Maisons-sur-Seine

      French banker and politician prominent in public affairs from the end of the Napoleonic period to the first years of the July Monarchy (183031).

      The son of a carpenter, Laffitte became clerk in the banking house of Perregaux in Paris, was made a partner in the business in 1800, and in 1804 succeeded Perregaux as head of the firm. The House of Perregaux, Laffitte et Cie, became one of the greatest in Europe, and Laffitte became regent (1809), then governor (1814) of the Bank of France and president of the Chamber of Commerce (1814). He raised large sums of money for the provisional government in 1814 and for Louis XVIII during the Hundred Days. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1816, he took his seat on the Left and spoke chiefly on financial questions. In 1818 he saved Paris from a financial crisis by buying a large amount of stock, but the next year, in consequence of his heated defense of the liberty of the press and the electoral law of 1819, the governorship of the bank was taken from him. One of the earliest and most determined of the partisans of a constitutional monarchy under Louis-Philippe, duc d'Orléans, he was deputy for Bayonne in July 1830, when his house in Paris became the headquarters of the revolutionary party. When Charles X, after retracting the hated ordinances, tried to negotiate a change of ministry, the banker replied, “It is too late. There is no longer a Charles X.”

      Eager to avoid a republic, Laffitte, who was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies, did much to secure Louis-Philippe's accession to the throne. The new king made him a minister of state and finally, in November 1830, premier. He tried to help revolutionary movements abroad (particularly in Italy) but would not let France intervene, except in Belgium, thus provoking criticism from right and left alike. Laffitte resigned on March 13, 1831.

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