Kuznets, Simon (Smith)

Kuznets, Simon (Smith)
born April 30, 1901, Kharkov, Ukraine, Russian Empire
died July 8, 1985, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.

Russian-U.S. economist and statistician.

He immigrated to the U.S. in 1922 and joined the National Bureau of Economic Research in 1927; he later taught at the University of Pennsylvania (193054), Johns Hopkins University (195460), and Harvard University (196071). His work emphasized the complexity of underlying data in the construction of economic models, stressing the need for information on population structure, technology, labour quality, government structure, trade, and markets. He also described the existence of cyclical variations in growth rates (now called "Kuznets cycles") and their links with underlying factors such as population. In 1971 he received the Nobel Prize.

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  • Kuznets, Simon (Smith) — (30 abr. 1901, Járkov, Ucrania, Imperio Ruso–8 jul. 1985, Cambridge, Mass., EE.UU.). Economista y estadístico rusoestadounidense. Emigró a EE.UU. en 1922 y se incorporó a la Oficina nacional de investigación económica en 1927. Posteriormente, fue …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Kuznets, Simon — ▪ American economist and statistician in full  Simon Smith Kuznets  born April 30 [April 17, Old Style], 1901, Kharkov, Ukraine, Russian Empire [now Kharkiv, Ukraine] died July 8, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.       Russian born American… …   Universalium

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  • Simon Kuznets — Simon Smith Kuznets (* 30. April 1901 in Charkiw, Ukraine; † 8. Juli 1985 in Cambridge) war ein US amerikanischer Ökonom. Er erhielt 1971 den Preis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der schwedischen Reichsbank in Gedenken an Alfred Nobel (als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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