Kilby, Jack (St. Clair)

Kilby, Jack (St. Clair)
born Nov. 8, 1923, Jefferson City, Mo., U.S.

U.S. inventor.

He studied at the University of Wisconsin. In 1958 he joined Texas Instruments; there he built the first integrated circuit, a device in which all of a circuit's components are integrated on a single semiconductor surface. He also coinvented a handheld calculator with a thermal printer that is used in portable data terminals. The owner of more than 60 patents, he received the National Medal of Science (1970), the Kyoto Prize (1993), and the Nobel Prize for Physics (2000), shared with Herbert Kroemer (b. 1928) and Zhores Alferov (b. 1930).

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  • Kilby , Jack St. Clair — (1923–) American electronics engineer The son of an electrical engineer from Jefferson City, Missouri, Kilby failed his entrance to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was drafted into the army, spending most of his time attempting to… …   Scientists

  • Kilby, Jack St. Clair — ▪ 2006       American electronics engineer (b. Nov. 8, 1923, Jefferson City, Mo. d. June 20, 2005, Dallas, Texas), invented the integrated circuit (IC), which allowed the development of the personal computer and the cell phone and was also used… …   Universalium

  • Kilby, Jack (St. Clair) — (8 nov. 1923, Jefferson City, Mo., EE.UU.–20 jun. 2005, Dallas). Inventor estadounidense. Estudió en la Universidad de Wisconsin. En 1958 se unió a Texas Instruments; allí construyó el primer circuito integrado, un dispositivo en el cual todos… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jack St. Clair Kilby — (* 8. November 1923 in Jefferson City, Missouri; † 20. Juni 2005 in Dallas, Texas) war ein US amerikanischer Ingenieur und Nobelpreisträger. Er gilt als Erfinder der integrierten Schaltung und wird als „Vater des Mikrochips“ bezeichnet.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jack St. Clair Kilby — Jack Kilby Jack St. Clair Kilby, (né le 8 novembre 1923 à Jefferson City, dans l État du Missouri et mort le 20 juin 2005, à Dallas au Texas), était un ingénieur électrique américain. Il est surtout connu pour l invention du… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kilby, Jack — ▪ American engineer Introduction in full  Jack St. Clair Kilby  born November 8, 1923, Jefferson City, Missouri, U.S. died June 20, 2005, Dallas, Texas       American engineer and one of the inventors of the integrated circuit, a system of… …   Universalium

  • Jack S. Kilby — Jack St. Clair Kilby (* 8. November 1923 in Jefferson City, Missouri; † 20. Juni 2005 in Dallas, Texas) war ein US amerikanischer Ingenieur und Nobelpreisträger. Er gilt als Erfinder der integrierten Schaltung und wird als „Vater des Mikrochips“… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Kilby — I Kilby,   Jack St. Clair, US amerikanischer Elektroingenieur, *Jefferson City (Missouri) 8. 11. 1923; Kilby erfand 1958 im Forschungslabor von Texas Instruments unabhängig von Robert Noyce den monolithischen integrierten Schaltkreis (IC, Chip),… …   Universal-Lexikon

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