Kienholz, Edward

Kienholz, Edward
born Oct. 23, 1927, Fairfield, Wash., U.S.
died June 10, 1994, Hope, Idaho

U.S. sculptor.

He pursued painting until he moved to Los Angeles and began producing large wooden reliefs for walls (1954). His controversial environmental sculptures, begun in the late 1950s, were elaborately detailed three-dimensional assemblages that harshly indicted U.S. society. His most famous walk-in scenes include Roxy's, a replica of a 1943 Los Angeles bordello, and The Beanery, a reproduction of a decrepit bar with 17 figures, piped-in smells, jukebox music, and background conversation. Critics labeled some of his images repulsive or pornographic.

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      U.S. artist (b. Oct. 23, 1927, Fairfield, Wash.—d. June 10, 1994, Hope, Idaho), crafted elaborately detailed three-dimensional environmental- or theatrical-style assemblages that served as harsh indictments of American society. His most famous walk-in tableaux included "Roxy's," a replica of a 1943 Nevada bordello; "Back Seat Dodge '38," featuring a couple in a sexual embrace; and "The Beanery," a reproduction of a decrepit bar complete with 17 sculpted patrons, piped-in smells, jukebox music, and background conversation. Critics labeled some of Kienholz' works repulsive or pornographic. The Vietnam War, death, and mental illness were subjects of his social and political concerns. The tools of his trade included discarded mannequins and stuffed animals, as well as furniture, bones, carpets, and fake blood. Kienholz was initially a painter, but in 1953 he moved to Los Angeles, where he began producing large wooden reliefs for walls. In 1956 he helped found the Ferus Gallery, an avant-garde studio, which exhibited his three-dimensional works. His often controversial sculptures set him apart from his contemporaries. After leaving Los Angeles in 1960, Kienholz divided his time between residences in Berlin and Hope. He credited his fifth wife, Nancy Reddin Kienholz, a photojournalist, as a collaborator after their marriage in 1973. Together they operated the Faith and Charity in Hope Gallery, where exhibitions of established and emerging artists were held. His works found their way into private collections and museums around the world.

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  • Kienholz, Edward — (23 oct. 1927, Fairfield, Wash., EE.UU.–10 jun. 1994, Hope, Idaho). Escultor estadounidense. Se dedicó a la pintura hasta que se mudó a Los Ángeles y comenzó a realizar grandes relieves en madera para muros (1954). Sus controvertidas esculturas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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