Kenneth I

Kenneth I
or Kenneth MacAlpin

died с 858, Forteviot, Scot.

First king of the united Scots of Dalriada and the Picts.

He inherited (834?) the Scottish kingdom of Dalriada from his father, Alpin, who is thought to have been killed by the Picts. He also gained control over Pictavia, and from 843 the two kingdoms were gradually joined, an important step in the making of a unified Scotland. The union was probably accomplished both by intermarriage and by conquest.

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king of Scots and Picts
also called Kenneth Macalpin
died c. 858, Forteviot, Scot.

      first king of the united Scots of Dalriada and the Picts and so of Scotland north of a line between the Forth and Clyde rivers.

      Of his father, Alpin, little is known, though tradition credits him with a signal victory over the Picts by whom he was killed three months later (c. 834). Kenneth succeeded him in Dalriada and ruled in Pictavia also, ruling for 16 years. The period is obscure. The gradual union of the two kingdoms from 843 doubtless owes much to intermarriage. By the Pictish marriage custom, inheritance passed through the female. Nevertheless, Kenneth probably made some conquests among the eastern Picts and possibly invaded Lothian and burned Dunbar and Melrose. After attacks on Iona by Vikings, he is believed to have removed relics of St. Columba, probably in 849 or 850, to Dunkeld, which became the headquarters of the Scottish Columban church. He died at Forteviot, not far from Scone in Pictish territory, and was buried on the island of Iona.

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Universalium. 2010.

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