Jia Xian

Jia Xian
flourished с 1050, China

Mathematician and astronomer active at the beginning of the greatest period of traditional Chinese mathematics.

He held a relatively low military office during the reign (1022/231063/64) of Emperor Renzong of the Song dynasty. He was a pupil of mathematician and astronomer Chu Yan, who contributed to the revision of the Chongtian calendar in 1023, and he served in the Imperial Astronomical Bureau. Jia's name was mainly quoted in connection with his method of extracting roots (solutions) of polynomials of degree higher than three and with the related Jia Xian triangle, which contains the binomial coefficients for equations up to the sixth degree (see binomial theorem). This diagram is similar to Blaise Pascal's triangle, which was discovered independently later in the West.

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Chinese mathematician and astronomer
flourished c. 1050, China

      mathematician and astronomer active at the beginning of the greatest period of traditional Chinese mathematics.

 Little is known about Jia's life except that he held a relatively low military office during the reign (1022/231063/64) of Emperor Renzong of the Song dynasty. He was a pupil of mathematician and astronomer Chu Yan, who contributed to the revision of the Chongtian calendar in 1023, and served in the Imperial Astronomical Bureau in the mid-11th century. Jia's name was mainly quoted in connection with his method of extracting roots (solutions) of polynomials of degree higher than three and with the related Jia Xian triangle (see the figure—>), which contains the binomial coefficients for equations up to the sixth degree. This diagram is similar to Blaise Pascal (Pascal, Blaise)'s triangle (see binomial theorem), which was discovered independently later in the West.

      Jia wrote two treatises, of which only parts of the first are extant, Huangdi jiuzhang suanfa xicao (“Detailed Sketches to the Yellow Emperor's Nine Chapters on Mathematical Methods”) and Suanfa xiaoguji (“Collection of Mathematical Methods According to the Ancients”). Of the mathematical problems contained in the first book, about two-thirds are thought to have been incorporated in Yang Hui's Xiangjie jiuzhang suanfa (“A Detailed Analysis of the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Procedures”), compiled in 1261 and preserved in manuscript form in the Yongle dadian (1408; “Great Encyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign”) and in a printed edition from 1842.

Andrea Breard

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Universalium. 2010.

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