Jenkins (of Hillhead), Roy (Harris) Jenkins, Baron
- Jenkins (of Hillhead), Roy (Harris) Jenkins, Baron
born Nov. 11, 1920, Abersychan, Monmouthshire, Eng.
died Jan. 5, 2003, Oxfordshire
British politician.
Elected to Parliament in 1948, he served in Labour Party governments (1964–70, 1974–76). A strong supporter of NATO and the European Community, he was president of the executive branch of the latter (1976–81). He resigned from the Labour Party, and in 1981, with other Labour dissidents, he formed the Social Democratic Party, which he led in 1982–83. After accepting a life peerage (1987), he became leader of the Social and Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Lords. He subsequently became chancellor of the University of Oxford.
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Jenkins (de Hillhead), Roy (Harris) Jenkins, barón — (11 nov. 1920, Abersychan, Monmouthshire, Inglaterra–5 ene. 2003, Oxfordshire). Político británico. Elegido al parlamento en 1948, participó en gobiernos laboristas (1964–70, 1974–76). Fuerte partidario de la OTAN y de la Comunidad Europea, fue… … Enciclopedia Universal
Jenkins, Roy Harris — ▪ 2004 Baron Jenkins of Hillhead British politician and author (b. Nov. 11, 1920, Abersychan, Monmouthshire, Eng. d. Jan. 5, 2003, East Hendred, Oxfordshire, Eng.), in a career that spanned half a century, was a leading figure in the… … Universalium
Harris — Harris, Richard Harris, Zelling S. * * * (as used in expressions) Crawford, William H(arris) Christopher Harris Harris, Joel Chandler Harris, Roy LeRoy Ellsworth Harris Harris, Sir Arthur Travers, 1 baronet Harris, Townsend Jenkins (de Hillhead) … Enciclopedia Universal
Roy — /roh ee/, n. Rammohun /rah moh hon/, 1774 1833, Indian religious leader: founder of Brahmo Samaj. /roy/, n. 1. a town in N Utah. 19,694. 2. Rollo (def. 1). 3. a male given name: from a Scots Gaelic word meaning red. * * * (as used in expressions) … Universalium
Roy — (as used in expressions) Acuff, Roy (Claxton) Andrews, Roy Chapman Bean, Roy DeCarava, Roy Eldridge, (David) Roy Harris, Roy Roy Harold Scherer, Jr. Jenkins (de Hillhead), Roy (Harris) Jenkins, barón Lichtenstein, Roy Orbison, Roy … Enciclopedia Universal
Harris — /har is/, n. 1. Benjamin, c1660 c1720, English journalist who published the first newspaper in America 1690. 2. Frank, 1856 1931, U.S. writer, born in Ireland. 3. Joel Chandler /chan dleuhr, chahn /, 1848 1908, U.S. journalist, novelist, and… … Universalium
baron — /bar euhn/, n. 1. a member of the lowest grade of nobility. 2. (in Britain) a. a feudal vassal holding his lands under a direct grant from the king. b. a direct descendant of such a vassal or his equal in the nobility. c. a member of the House of … Universalium
Baron — /bann rddawonn /, n. Michel /mee shel /, (Michel Boyron), 1653 1729, French actor. * * * I Title of nobility, ranking in modern times immediately below a viscount or a count (in countries without viscounts). The wife of a baron is a baroness.… … Universalium
Barón — (Probablemente del germ. *baro, hombre libre.) ► sustantivo 1 Título nobiliario que, en España, sigue en importancia al de vizconde. 2 POLÍTICA Persona importante y poderosa de un partido político: ■ se convirtió en el barón que catapultó la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Jenkins — (as used in expressions) Richard Walter Jenkins, Jr. Jenkins, Fergie Ferguson Arthur Jenkins Jenkins (de Hillhead), Roy (Harris) Jenkins, barón Oreja de Jenkins, guerra de la … Enciclopedia Universal