Hooker, Richard

Hooker, Richard
born March 1554?, Heavitree, Exeter, Devon, Eng.
died Nov. 2, 1600, Bishopsbourne, near Canterbury, Kent

English clergyman and theologian.

He attended the University of Oxford, became a fellow of Corpus Christi College in 1577, and was ordained in 1581. He served as master of the Temple Church (158591) and later was vicar of churches at Drayton Beauchamp, Boscombe, and Bishopsbourne. He created a distinctive Anglican theology during a time when the Church of England was threatened by both Roman Catholicism and Puritanism. His great work was Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (159497), in which he defended the threefold authority of the Bible, church tradition, and human reason.

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English theologian
born March 1554?, Heavitree, Exeter, Devon, England
died November 2, 1600, Bishopsbourne, near Canterbury, Kent
 theologian who created a distinctive Anglican theology and who was a master of English prose and legal philosophy. In his masterpiece, Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie, which was incomplete at the time of his death, Hooker defended the Church of England (England, Church of) against both Roman Catholicism and Puritanism and affirmed the Anglican tradition as that of athreefold cord not quickly broken”—Bible, church, and reason.

Early years and Oxford
      Hooker was born at the end of 1553 or the beginning of 1554 near the city of Exeter, Devon. His family lacked the financial means to send him to the University of Oxford, but, with John Jewel (Jewel, John), bishop of Salisbury, as his patron, in 1568 Hooker entered Corpus Christi College, Oxford. The dominant influence in the Church of England at that time was John Calvin (Calvin, John)'s Institutes of the Christian Religion, and thus Hooker was trained in the traditions of Genevan Protestantism. Leading scholars at Oxford were, however, loyal to the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and used the vestments demanded by the ecclesiastical law of the realm. Hooker, a staunch Anglican, went beyond even liberal Calvinism and read the best scriptural interpretation of his day, the early Church Fathers, and even Renaissance Thomism (the philosophical school influenced by the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas (Aquinas, Thomas, Saint)). He thus avoided the limits of narrow academic Calvinism and became a man of wide Renaissance learning. Hooker said that he grew in his opinions and gave up narrow conceptions previously held. Hooker became a scholar of Corpus Christi College in 1573, took his M.A. in 1577, and became a fellow of the college that same year.

Master of the Temple
      In 1585 Hooker was elected master of the Temple Church in London. The other candidate for this position was Walter Travers, an ardent Calvinist who had written A Full and Plaine Declaration of Ecclesiastical Discipline out of the Word of God (1574); although he had not received Anglican orders, he was made lecturer (preacher) of the Temple Church. Hooker, a loyal Anglican, preached in the morning, and Travers, a firm Calvinist, in the afternoon. Thus it was said that the Temple congregations heard Canterbury in the morning and Geneva in the afternoon.

      With the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the Church of England no longer faced the possibility of the restoration of Roman Catholicism in the country. However, the English church was now challenged by Calvinism, not only in doctrine but in ecclesiastical organization. Small cells, or conventicals, of Reformed worship were formed throughout the realm. Their hold on general sympathy was so strong that even the bishops were lukewarm about suppressing them and allowed their growth to increase unchecked. Travers, in fact, set up an organization in the afternoon congregation on the model of the Reformed Church in the Low Countries and chided Hooker for not using the Reformed organization in the Temple Church.

      The difference between the two men was radical. Hooker did not agree with many of the decisions of the Roman Catholic Council of Trent (Trent, Council of) (154563), which attempted to reform the Catholic church following the Protestant Reformation (Protestantism), but he did approve of many of the medieval Scholastic (Scholasticism) philosophers and theologians, such as St. Thomas Aquinas, and he used their teaching. This was anathema to Travers, who thought of the teaching of the Scholastics as sheer rubbish. Hooker seems to have lived not in the parsonage of the Temple but with John Churchman, a good friend of the Church of England. There were two reasons for this: first, the parsonage was not in good repair, and, second, Travers lived there.

      On February 13, 1588, while still master of the Temple, Hooker married Joan Churchman, daughter of his friend and host. Izaak Walton (Walton, Izaak), the English author and biographer, was responsible for the story, accepted for 300 years, that Hooker's future father-in-law tricked him into the marriage with his ill-favoured daughter. In 1940 it was proved by examination of the Court of Chancery records about Hooker's estate that the story was a tale devised to explain the incomplete state of the last books of the Politie. Joan Churchman brought with her a large dowry. At the time of his marriage Hooker had no known financial means, and yet at his death he left a considerable estate.

His major work
      Hooker left his position at the Temple Church in 1591 and accepted the living of Boscombe in Wiltshire. Despite his new position, Hooker continued to live in his father-in-law's house, where he wrote his masterpiece, Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie. The Politie was the final chapter of the so-called admonition controversy: in June 1572 the London clerics John Field and Thomas Wilcox had issued from a secret press An Admonition to Parliament (Parliament, Admonition to), which demanded that Queen Elizabeth I restore thepurityof New Testament worship in the Church of England. Although its consideration by Parliament was forbidden by the queen, the Admonition became the platform of the Puritans (Puritanism)—members of the Church of England who wished for religious reforms along the lines developed in Geneva by Calvin. The leading bishops, now alarmed by the influence of the Admonition, knew that an answer was needed, and the archbishop of Canterbury turned to John Whitgift (Whitgift, John), vice chancellor of the University of Cambridge, to reply to the Admonition. Whitgift responded and was answered in turn by Thomas Cartwright, professor at Cambridge and the leading Puritan clergyman. The controversy was continued in a whole series of books.

      The Admonition was still much in the mind of England when Hooker left the Temple, and he assumed the responsibility of replying to it. The Politie was to be a work of eight books, but the fifth book was the last one to appear in Hooker's lifetime. The tradition that his manuscripts were destroyed by Puritan ministers who were assisted by Hooker's wife does not seem to be correct. The incomplete condition of the last books of the Politie merely means that Hooker had not yet revised them at the time of his death.

      In the Politie, Hooker defended the Elizabethan church against Roman Catholics and Puritans. He upheld the threefold authority of the Anglican (Anglicanism) traditionBible, church, and reason. Roman Catholics put Bible and tradition on a parity as the authorities for belief, while Puritans looked to Scripture as the sole authority. Hooker avoided both extremes, allowing to Scripture absolute authority when it spoke plainly and unequivocally; where it was silent or ambiguous, wisdom would consult the tradition of the church, but he insisted that a third element lay in human reason, which should be obeyed whenever both Scripture and tradition needed clarification or failed to cover some new circumstance. The core of Hooker's thinking on the relations of church and state is unity. In his view, the Puritans adopted an impossible position: they claimed to be loyal to the queen while repudiating her church. By law and by reason, the people of England must be Anglican, pledged to serve Elizabeth as the supreme magistrate of the country and the supreme governor of the church.

      According to tradition, Hooker served the churches at Drayton Beauchamp, Buckinghamshire, and Boscombe, Wiltshire, following his term as master of the Temple, but more probably he practiced pluralism, which means he received his salary as a vicar but allowed a lesser clergyman to perform the duties that the parish required. In 1595 he accepted an appointment as vicar of Bishopsbourne, near Canterbury, and in 1597 the fifth book of the Politie was published. He died three years later and was buried at Bishopsbourne.

John S. Marshall

Additional Reading
C.J. Sisson, The Judicious Marriage of Mr. Hooker and the Birth of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1940, reprinted 1974), is essential for any biography of Hooker. Other works on his life and thought include Peter Munz, The Place of Hooker in the History of Thought (1952, reprinted 1971); John S. Marshall, Hooker and the Anglican Tradition (1963); A.F. Scott Pearson, Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 15351603 (1925, reissued 1966), on the admonition controversy; Robert K. Faulkner, Richard Hooker and the Politics of a Christian England (1981); and Stanley Archer, Richard Hooker (1983).

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