Heaven's Gate

Heaven's Gate
U.S. religious group that committed mass suicide in 1997 and that had been founded on a belief in unidentified flying objects.

Established by Marshall H. Applewhite (19321997) and Bonnie Nettles (19271985) in 1972, the group assumed a variety of names over the years, including Human Individual Metamorphosis. As preparation for the "transition" to a new life on a spaceship, it advocated self-renunciation to the point of castration. Settling finally in the San Diego area in 1996, the group support itself by creating sites on the World Wide Web and quietly preparing for the end time. They believed that the comet Hale-Bopp was followed by a spaceship that would take them to a better place. On March 26, 1997, as the comet approached, the remaining 39 members of the group took poison and committed suicide in a carefully orchestrated manner.

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religious group
      religious group founded in the United States on a belief in unidentified flying objects (unidentified flying object). Under a variety of names over the years, including Human Individual Metamorphosis, Bo and Peep, and Total Overcomers Anonymous, the group advocated extreme self-renunciation to the point of castration. It burst into public consciousness following the suicide of 39 of its members in a suburb of San Diego, California, in March 1997.

      Founders Marshall H. Applewhite (19321997) and Bonnie Nettles (19271985) met in 1972 and soon became convinced that they were the twoendtimewitnesses mentioned in Revelation (Revelation to John) 11. In 1975 they held gatherings in California and Oregon that attracted their initial followers. Those who attached themselves toThe Twodropped out of society and prepared for thetransitionto a new life on a spaceship.

      When the expected transition did not occur, the group settled in Texas and lived a quiet communal existence practicing disciplines that they believed would prepare them for the eventual movement to ahigher levelof existence. They had few contacts with outsiders until 1994, when their expectation of the imminent transition was again heightened, and they began a new round of proselytization. They also divested themselves of most of their possessions and began a pilgrimage that led them to California.

      Settling in the San Diego area in 1996, they supported themselves by creating sites on the World Wide Web for Internet users and established their own Web site to offer readers a gate to heaven (hence the name by which they would become known). Early in 1997 a rumour circulated among the New Age community that an artificial object, or spaceship, was following the recently discovered Comet Hale-Bopp (Hale-Bopp, Comet), which would approach close to the Earth around the time of the spring equinox. As the comet approached, the Heaven's Gate group, which had shrunk to only 39 members, took poison in three waves of 15, 15, and 9 in the belief that the spaceship would arrive to take them to a better place. Prior to the event, the members of the group made a video explaining their individual reasons for their chosen path.

John Gordon Melton

Additional Reading
A number of studies of the group have emerged. Among the best are Robert W. Balch, "Waiting for the Ships: Disillusionment and the Revitalization of Faith in Bo and Peep's UFO Cult," in James R. Lewis (ed.), The Gods Have Landed (1995), pp. 137166; William Henry, The Keepers of Heaven's Gate: The Millennial Madness:The Religion Behind the Rancho Santa Fe Suicides (1997); and Brad Steiger and Hayden Hewes, Inside Heaven's Gate (1997).

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