Grenfell, Sir Wilfred (Thomason)

Grenfell, Sir Wilfred (Thomason)
born Feb. 28, 1865, Parkgate, Cheshire, Eng.
died Oct. 9, 1940, Charlotte, Vt., U.S.

English medical missionary.

Having joined the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, he initiated missionary service to the fishermen of Labrador and became absorbed in improving conditions there. He raised funds through speaking tours and books. When the Mission withdrew its support, he founded the International Grenfell Association, which helped found 6 hospitals, 4 hospital ships, 7 nursing stations, 2 orphanages, 2 large schools, 14 industrial centres, and a cooperative lumber mill in Labrador.

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  • Grenfell, Sir Wilfred (Thomason) — (28 feb. 1865, Parkgate, Cheshire, Inglaterra–9 oct. 1940, Charlotte, Vt., EE.UU.). Médico misionero inglés. Habiéndose incorporado a la Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen (Real misión nacional para pescadores de alta mar), inició sus… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Grenfell — biographical name Sir Wilfred Thomason 1865 1940 English medical missionary …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Grenfell — /gren fel/, n. Sir Wilfred Thomason /tom euh seuhn/, 1865 1940, English physician and missionary in Labrador and Newfoundland. * * * …   Universalium

  • Grenfell — Gren•fell [[t]ˈgrɛn fɛl[/t]] n. big Sir Wilfred Thomason, 1865–1940, English physician and medical missionary in Labrador …   From formal English to slang

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