Gould, Chester

Gould, Chester
born Nov. 20, 1900, Pawnee, Okla., U.S.
died May 11, 1985, Woodstock, Ill.

U.S. cartoonist.

He studied cartooning through a correspondence school. His "Dick Tracy" action comic strip, first distributed in 1931 by the Chicago TribuneNew York News Syndicate, became the first popular cops-and-robbers series. Drawn with hard outlines and accurate in the details of crime and criminal investigation, the widely syndicated strip featured a clean-cut detective with a jutting jaw, whose methods made him the nemesis of a gallery of grotesquely caricatured criminals. Gould retired from the strip in 1977.

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American cartoonist
born Nov. 20, 1900, Pawnee, Okla., U.S.
died May 11, 1985, Woodstock, Ill.

      American cartoonist who createdDick Tracy,” the detective-action comic strip that became the first popular cops-and-robbers series.

      Gould studied cartooning through a correspondence school, briefly drew sports cartoons in Oklahoma, then worked for the Chicago Daily News.Dick Tracywas first distributed in 1931 by the Chicago TribuneNew York News Syndicate, Inc.; its underlying code ofcrime doesn't payand its support of tough and often violent law enforcement were widely appealing. Drawn with hard outlines and bright colours and accurate in the details of crime and criminal investigation, the comic strip features Dick Tracy, a clean-cut, plainclothes detective with a hard, jutting jawline, whose methods, reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes's, made him the nemesis of a gallery of grotesquely caricatured criminals. Gould retired from the strip in 1977.

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  • Gould, Chester — (20 nov. 1900, Pawnee, Okla., EE.UU.–11 may. 1985, Woodstock, Ill.). Dibujante estadounidense. Estudió la técnica del dibujo animado por correspondencia. Su tira cómica de acción, Dick Tracy, distribuida por primera vez en 1931 por el Chicago… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Chester Gould — Born November 20, 1900(1900 11 20) Pawnee, Oklahoma Died May 11, 1985(1985 05 11) (aged 84) Woodstock, Illinois Nationality American …   Wikipedia

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  • Gould — (as used in expressions) Gould, Chester Gould, Glenn (Herbert) Gould, Jay Jason Gould Gould, Shane Gould, Stephen Jay White, James (Springer) y Ellen (Gould) Ellen Gould Harmon …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Chester Gould — Naissance 20 novembre 1900 Pawnee, Oklahoma,  États Unis Décès 11  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GOULD (C.) — Chester GOULD 1900 1985 Le dessinateur Chester Gould a vu le jour à Pawnie, Oklahoma, le 20 novembre 1900. C’est à Oklahoma City qu’il commence à réaliser des dessins pour la rubrique sportive de la revue The Tulsa tout en poursuivant des études… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Chester Gould — (* 20. November 1900 in Pawnee; † 11. Mai 1985) war ein US amerikanischer Comiczeichner. Er wurde mit der realistisch gezeichneten Kriminalserie um den Polizeiinspektor Dick Tracy bekannt, die er von 1931 bis 1977 zeichnete. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chester Gould — (Pawnee, 20 de noviembre de 1900[1] – 11 de mayo de 1985) fue un historietista estadounidense y creador de la tira cómica Dick Tracy, que escribió y dibujó desde 1931 hasta 1977. Biografía Chester Gould nació en 1900 en Pawnee, Oklahoma en el… …   Wikipedia Español

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