Ganges delta

Ganges delta
or Ganges-Brahmaputra delta

Region in West Bengal state, India, and Bangladesh.

An area of about 220 mi (354 km) wide along the Bay of Bengal, it is covered by the streams forming the mouths of the Ganges (Ganga) and Brahmaputra rivers. In Bangladesh the Brahmaputra is joined by the Tista River and, from there to its junction with the Ganges, is known as the Jamuna River. The main streams, the Ganges and the Jamuna, unite to form the Padma River. The river farthest west that enters the Bay of Bengal is the Hugli River. Many smaller streams of the delta form a swamp region (about 6,526 sq mi [16,902 sq km] in area) known as the Sunderbans. The delta was struck in 1970 by one of history's most devastating cyclones.

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Universalium. 2010.

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