- Foster, Abigail Kelley
born Jan. 15, 1810, Pelham, Mass., U.S.died Jan. 14, 1887, Worcester, Mass.U.S. abolitionist.She became active in a branch of the Female Anti-Slavery Society in the 1830s, and in 1838 she helped William Lloyd Garrison organize the New England Non-Resistance Society. Her long career as a political lecturer brought her national fame and notoriety, in part because she addressed mixed audiences (of both men and women). In 1845 she married Stephen S. Foster (1809–81), a prominent abolitionist who joined her lecture tour. In the 1850s she added temperance and women's rights to her lecture topics.
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▪ American abolitionist and feministnée Abigail Kelley , byname Abby Fosterborn January 15, 1810, Pelham, Massachusetts, U.S.died January 14, 1887, Worcester, MassachusettsAmerican feminist, abolitionist, and lecturer who is remembered as an impassioned speaker for radical reform.Abby Kelley grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts. She was reared a Quaker, attended Quaker schools, and later taught in a Quaker school in Lynn, Massachusetts. She became a follower of William Lloyd Garrison (Garrison, William Lloyd) and in 1835–37 was secretary of the Lynn Female Anti-Slavery Society. In 1838 she joined Garrison in founding the New England Non-Resistant Society. She took part in the first and second woman's national antislavery conventions in New York City in 1837 and in Philadelphia in 1838, and at the latter she made her first address to a mixed audience (of men and women), a stirring speech that prompted abolitionist leaders to urge her to take to the platform regularly. She acceded to the idea, resigned her teaching job, and in May 1839 began a career as a reform lecturer. That career was a stormy one, bringing vituperation and sometimes even mob violence upon her as she was denounced regularly from the pulpit as immoral for daring to mount the public platform.At the convention of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1840, Kelley's appointment to the business committee was the occasion for a split in the ranks of the delegates; her conservative opponents left to form the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, leaving her ally Garrison in complete control of his own organization. Her almost ceaseless lecturing took her as far west as Indiana and Michigan, and her travels were marked not only by personal abuse but also, more immediately, by frequent hardship. In 1845 she married Stephen S. Foster, a companion on the abolitionist lecture circuit. They continued to travel and lecture together until 1861, although after 1847 Abigail Foster spent much of each year at their Worcester, Massachusetts, farm. During the 1850s she added appeals for temperance and women's rights to her addresses.Foster's zeal and radicalism—she was outspokenly anticlerical and antigovernment almost to the point of anarchism—stirred opposition even, occasionally, among sympathizers, and in the late 1850s she broke with Garrison. After the Civil War ill health limited her activities. She made a fund-raising tour of New England on behalf of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1870. On three occasions in the 1870s she and her husband refused to pay taxes on their farm on the grounds that she had been taxed without representation, being denied the vote. On each occasion the farm was bought by friends at public auction and returned to them.* * *
Universalium. 2010.