
orig. Antonio di Pietro Averlino

born с 1400, Florence?
died с 1469, Rome

Italian architect and sculptor.

In 1451 he entered the service of the duke of Milan. He designed the Ospedale Maggiore in Milan (145765), which is among the first Renaissance buildings in Lombardy. He is chiefly important for his Trattato d'architettura ("Treatise on Architecture"), which describes an ideal Renaissance city called Sforzinda. Among the projects he envisioned was a tower of vice and virtue, with a brothel on the 1st floor and an astronomical observatory on the 10th.

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Italian architect
original name  Antonio Di Pietro Averlino, or Averulino  
born c. 1400, Florence?
died c. 1469, Rome

      architect, sculptor, and writer, who is chiefly important for his Trattato d 'architettura (“Treatise on Architecture”), which described plans for an ideal Renaissance city.

      Filarete is thought to have been trained under Lorenzo Ghiberti in Florence. From 1433 to 1445 he was employed by Pope Eugenius IV to execute the bronze central doors of Old St. Peter's in Rome (installed in the new St. Peter's in 1619). By comparison with the contemporary bronze doors of Ghiberti and Donatello in Florence, Filarete's door is less accomplished in composition and technique but is important for its hieratic classicizing style. The first Renaissance monument of a specifically Roman type, it influenced the work of Isaia da Pisa and later Roman sculptors of the 15th century. In 1448 he returned to Florence, entering in 1451 the service of Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan. In Milan he was active principally as an architect and designed the Ospedale Maggiore (145765, finished in the 18th century), among the first Renaissance buildings in Lombardy.

      Between 1460 and 1464 he wrote his famed Trattato. Inspired by Leon Battista Alberti's treatise De re aedificatoria, Filarete's work describes a model city called Sforzinda. Among the projects he envisioned for this ideal Renaissance city was the tower of Vice and Virtuea 10-story structure with a brothel on the first floor and an astronomical observatory on the 10th. An English translation by John R. Spencer was published in two volumes in 1965.

      The name Filarete, probably assumed during his Milanese period, was derived from the Greek meaninglover of virtue.”

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  • Filarete — Filarete,   eigentlich Antonio di Pietro Averlino (Averulino), italienischer Bildhauer, Baumeister und Kunsttheoretiker, * Florenz um 1400, ✝ Rom 1469; schuf 1433 45 die reliefgeschmückte Bronzetür von Sankt Peter in Rom; ferner Porträtbüsten,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Filarete — Antonio di Pietro Averlino (c. 1400 c. 1469), also Averulino , dubbed Filarete (Greek lover of virtue ), was a Florentine architect, sculptor and architectural theorist of the Italian Renaissance. Filarete , as he is universally known, worked,… …   Wikipedia

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