Fashoda Incident

Fashoda Incident
(Sept. 18, 1898) Climax, at Fashoda, Egyptian Sudan, of a series of territorial disputes between Britain and France.

Britain had sought to extend its empire from Cairo to the Cape of Good Hope, while France had sought to extend its own from Dakar to the Sudan. A French force under Jean-Baptiste Marchand was the first to arrive at a strategically located fort at Fashoda, soon followed by a British force under Lord Kitchener. After a tense standoff the French withdrew, but they continued to press claims to other posts in the region. In March 1899 the French and British agreed that the watershed of the Nile and the Congo rivers should mark the frontier between their spheres of influence.

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Anglo-French dispute, Egyptian Sudan
      (Sept. 18, 1898), the climax, at Fashoda, Egyptian Sudan (now Kodok, The Sudan (Sudan, The)), of a series of territorial disputes in Africa between Great Britain and France.

      The disputes arose from the common desire of each country to link up its disparate colonial possessions in Africa. Great Britain's aim was to link Uganda to Egypt via a railway from the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo, while France, by pushing eastward from the west coast, hoped to extend its dominion across Central Africa and the Sudan.

      In order to fulfill France's expansionist aspirations, the French foreign minister, Gabriel Hanotaux (Hanotaux, Gabriel), promoted an expedition of 150 men eastward from Gabon in 1896, under the command of Jean-Baptiste Marchand (Marchand, Jean-Baptiste). Equally determined to reconquer the Sudan, a British force under Sir (later Lord) Horatio Herbert Kitchener (Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl) was ordered simultaneously to advance southward from Egypt (where the British had been entrenched since 1882) up the Nile River. Marchand reached Fashoda on July 10, 1898, and occupied an abandoned Egyptian fort; Kitchener, having had first to take Omdurman (see Omdurman, Battle of) and Khartoum, did not reach Fashoda until September 18. In the tense confrontation that ensued, neither Marchand nor Kitchener was ready to give up his claims to the fort, but, because both wished to avoid a military engagement, they agreed that Egyptian, British, and French flags should fly over the fort.

      The new French foreign minister, Théophile Delcassé (Delcassé, Théophile), mindful of the incident's international implications and anxious to gain British support against Germany, chose to ignore the outraged public's reaction. On November 4 he instructed Marchand to withdraw from Fashoda but continued to press French claims to a string of smaller posts that would have kept open a French corridor to the White Nile (White Nile River). Although the British prime minister and foreign secretary, Lord Salisbury (Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd marquess of, Earl Of Salisbury, Viscount Cranborne, Baron Cecil Of Essendon), rejected this proposal also, the French and British governments eventually agreed (March 21, 1899) that the watershed of the Nile and the Congo (Congo River) rivers should mark the frontier between their respective spheres of influence.

      Subsequently, the French consolidated all their gains west of the watershed, while the British position in Egypt was confirmed. The solution of the crisis led to the Anglo-French Entente of 1904.

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