
Iqaluit [ē lo͞o ēt΄]
capital of Nunavut, Canada, in the E part: pop. 4,200

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I·qal·u·it (ĭ-kălʹo͞o-ĭt, ē-käʹlo͞o-ēt)
The capital and largest community of Nunavut, Canada, on Baffin Island at the head of Frobisher Bay. The site of an airbase built by the United States in World War II, it became the capital of Nunavut in 1999. Population: 3,552.

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Town (pop., 2001: 5,236), capital of Nunavut territory, Canada.

Situated on southeastern Baffin Island, it is the largest community in the eastern Canadian Arctic. It was established as a trading post in 1914 and became an air base during World War II. It later was the site of construction camps for the DEW (Distant Early Warning) line of radar stations. It is the site of a meteorological station and a hospital. It became Nunavut's capital in 1999.

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      town, capital of Nunavut territory and headquarters of Baffin region, Canada. It lies at the head of Frobisher Bay, on southeastern Baffin Island. Iqaluit is the largest community in the eastern Canadian Arctic. It was established as a trading post in 1914 and became an air base during World War II. It later was the site of construction camps for the DEW (Distant Early Warning) line of radar stations, and it also has a meteorological station. The name of the town signifiesplace of fishin the Inuktitut language. Iqaluit is an outlet for Inuit art, and its Nunuuta Sunaqutangit Museum has Arctic displays. Nearby territorial parks include Qaummaarvit, Sylvia Grinnell, and Katannilik. Pop. (2006) 6,184.

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Universalium. 2010.

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