
flourished с 515500 BC, Athens, Greece

Greek vase painter.

He was a contemporary of Euphronius. His signature has been found on eight extant vases, six that he signed as a painter and two as a potter. A proponent of red-figure pottery, he was noted for his mastery of foreshortening and studies in movement. The amphora now in Munich's Antiquities Museum showing foreshortened figures in three-quarter view is an outstanding example of his draftsmanship.

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Athenian vase painter
flourished c. 515500 BC
 an early adopter of the Athenian (Greek pottery) red-figure technique (red-figure pottery), a contemporary and perhaps rival of Euphronius. He is admired for his explorations in foreshortening and for his studies in movement, both departures from Archaic convention.

      Euthymides' signature has been found on eight vases (six as painter, two as potter), and he is remembered for his inscription on an amphora in Munich:Euphronius never did anything this good.” An amphora signed by Euthymides representingRevelersis a study in foreshortening and in three-quarters view. Now in the Antikensammlungen at Munich, it dates from about 510 to 500 BC. Other works include anArming of HectorandHeracles Fighting the Amazons.”

      In addition to his vase painting it is possible that Euthymides made a small clay plaque for the Athenian acropolis. It was of aWarrior,” painted partly in black-figure, partly in outline.

      Euthymides was interested in those aspects of painting that were to concern the masters of the Classical period: foreshortening, movement, form, and space.

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