Elisha ben Abuyah

Elisha ben Abuyah
flourished AD 100

Jewish scholar and apostate.

Born before the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem (AD 70), he became a respected rabbi but then won notoriety for breaking Jewish laws and abandoning Judaism. He was well versed in Greek thought, and the motives for his apostasy may have been devotion to philosophy, membership in a Gnostic sect, or conversion to Christianity. He was denounced in the Talmud and was known as Aḥer ("the Other") because his apostasy made his name repugnant.

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Jewish scholar
byname  Aḥer 
flourished AD 100

      Jewish scholar who renounced his faith and who came to be regarded in later ages as a prototype of the heretic whose intellectual pride leads him to infidelity to Jewish laws and morals. In the Talmud (Talmud and Midrash), Elisha is not mentioned by name but is usually referred to as Aḥer (“the Other,” orAnother”). His renunciation of Judaism was considered doubly heinous because he was a tanna (scholar), one of a group of some 200 masters of the Oral Law that flourished in Palestine during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

      The son of a rich Jew, Elisha was educated from childhood to be a scholar. Although he became a tanna, he lost faith in rabbinic authority and flouted Jewish law by such actions as openly riding through the streets on the most sacred Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). More seriously, the Talmud relates that Elisha betrayed Jews during a period of persecution by the Roman emperor Hadrian (AD 76138).

      Different versions of the Talmud contain cryptic references to Elisha's heretical acts and the reason for his renunciation of Judaism. According to one tradition he became so interested in Greek culture and philosophy that he abandoned his heritage; another relates an incident that implies Elisha's belief in two gods. Later scholars, studying these passages, offered different, and sometimes contradictory, interpretations. Some concluded that Elisha was a follower of Philo of Alexandria, a philosopher whose theological views were considered heretical by contemporary Jews. Others saw Elisha variously as a convert to Christianity, a member of a Gnostic sect, or a Sadducee. Whatever the reason for his apostasy, Elisha's story became the subject of later literary works, among them the Hebrew drama Ben Abuyah.

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