Dunne, Finley Peter

Dunne, Finley Peter
born July 10, 1867, Chicago, Ill., U.S.
died April 24, 1936, New York, N.Y.

U.S. journalist and humorist.

A son of Irish immigrants, Dunne began contributing Irish-dialect sketches to Chicago newspapers in 1892. In these he created the character Martin Dooley, who commented on current events in a rich Irish brogue. Mr. Dooley soon became a force for clear thinking and tolerance in public affairs. Dunne wrote more than 700 dialect essays, some of which were republished in eight volumes, including Mr. Dooley in Peace and War and Mr. Dooley's Philosophy, from 1898 to 1919.

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American author
born July 10, 1867, Chicago, Ill., U.S.
died April 24, 1936, New York, N.Y.
 American journalist and humorist who created the homely philosopher Mr. Dooley.

      Dunne was born of Irish-immigrant parents. In 1884 he began working for various Chicago newspapers, specializing eventually in political reporting and editorial writing. In 1892 he began contributing Irish-dialect sketches to the Chicago Evening Post and five years later to the Chicago Journal. In these Dunne introduced Martin Dooley, a saloonkeeper who commented in a rich Irish brogue on politics and society. Dunne's sketches attained national circulation after the success of Mr. Dooley's comical observations on Admiral George Dewey's victory at Manila in 1898, and soon Dunne's witty penetration of shams and hypocrisies made Mr. Dooley a force for clear thinking and tolerance in public affairs. Many of Mr. Dooley's remarks, such asThrust ivrybody, but cut th' ca-ardsbecame part of American lore. Dunne wrote more than 700 dialect essays, some of which were republished in eight volumes from 1898 to 1919.

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