Dujardin, Félix

Dujardin, Félix
born April 5, 1801, Tours, France
died April 8, 1860, Rennes

French biologist.

His studies of microscopic animal life frequently found in decaying organic materials led him in 1834 to propose a new group of one-celled animals that he called Rhizopoda. He named the seemingly formless life substance that oozed outward through openings in certain shells sarcode; later it became known as protoplasm. This work led him in 1835 to argue against Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg's theory that microscopic organisms have the same organs as higher animals. Dujardin also studied jellyfish, corals, and sea stars; his study of flatworms laid the foundation for the later development of the study of parasites and parasitism.

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French biologist
born April 5, 1801, Tours, Fr.
died April 8, 1860, Rennes

      French biologist and cytologist, noted for his studies in the classification of protozoans and invertebrates.

      Largely self-educated, Dujardin was appointed to the chair of geology and mineralogy on the faculty of sciences at the University of Toulouse (1839) and professor of botany and zoology and dean of the faculty of sciences at the University of Rennes (1840).

      His studies of infusoria (microscopic animal life frequently found in infusions of decaying organic materials) led Dujardin in 1834 to propose a new group of one-celled animals (called protozoans) that he called the Rhizopoda (meaningrootfeet”). In the group Foraminifera, he observed the seemingly formless life substance that exuded outward through openings in the calcareous shell and named the substance sarcode, later known as protoplasm. This work led him in 1835 to refute the theory (reintroduced by Christian Ehrenberg) that microscopic organisms have the same organs as higher animals. He also studied cnidarians (e.g., jellyfish and corals) and echinoderms (e.g., starfish); his study of helminths (flatworms) laid the foundation for the later development of parasitology.

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