Dollfuss, Engelbert

Dollfuss, Engelbert
born Oct. 4, 1892, Texing, Austro-Hungarian Empire
died July 25, 1934, Vienna, Austria

Austrian politician.

He rose rapidly in Austrian politics to become chancellor in 1932. Opposed to the Nazis, he welcomed Benito Mussolini as an ally, converting Austria virtually into an Italian satellite state. In 1933 he abolished the parliament and established an authoritarian regime based on conservative Roman Catholic and Italian Fascist principles. In 1934 after paramilitary groups loyal to him crushed Austria's Social Democrats, he issued a new constitution establishing a dictatorship. Germany soon incited the Austrian Nazis to civil war, and Dollfuss was assassinated in a raid on the chancellery.

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chancellor of Austria
born Oct. 4, 1892, Texing, Austro-Hungarian Empire
died July 25, 1934, Vienna, Austria
 Austrian statesman and, from 1932 to 1934, chancellor of Austria, who destroyed the Austrian Republic and established an authoritarian regime based on conservative Roman Catholic and Italian Fascist principles.

      After studying law and economics in Vienna and Berlin, Dollfuss became secretary to the Lower Austrian Peasant Federation and, in 1927, director of the Lower Austrian chamber of agriculture. He was a member of the conservative and clerically oriented Christian Social Party, the core of whose constituency came from Austria's conservative peasantry. Dollfuss rose rapidly in Austrian politics, serving as president of the federal railways in 1930 and as minister of agriculture from 1931. In May 1932 he became chancellor, heading a conservative coalition led by the Christian Social Party.

      Faced with a severe economic crisis caused by the Great Depression, Dollfuss decided against joining Germany in a customs union, a course advocated by many Austrians. He was in part dissuaded by a League of Nations loan of $9,000,000 and by the fear of Allied countermeasures. Severely criticized by Social Democrats, Pan-German nationalists, and Austrian Nazis, he countered by drifting toward an increasingly authoritarian regime. The Italian leader Benito Mussolini became his principal foreign ally. Italy guaranteed Austrian independence at Riccione (August 1933), but in return Austria had to abolish all political parties and reform its constitution on the Fascist model. Dollfuss' attacks on Parliament, begun in March 1933, culminated that September in the permanent abolition of the legislature and the formation of a corporate state based on his Vaterländische Front (“Fatherland Front”), with which he expected to replace Austria's political parties. In foreign affairs he steered a course that converted Austria virtually into an Italian satellite state. Hoping therewith to prevent Austria's incorporation into Nazi Germany, he fought his domestic political opponents along fascist-authoritarian lines.

      In February 1934 paramilitary formations loyal to the chancellor crushed Austria's Social Democrats in bloody encounters. With a new constitution of May 1934, his regime became completely dictatorial. In June, however, Germany incited the Austrian Nazis to civil war. Dollfuss was assassinated by the Nazis in a raid on the chancellery.

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