Delius, Frederick (Theodore Albert)

Delius, Frederick (Theodore Albert)
born Jan. 29, 1862, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.
died June 10, 1934, Grez-sur-Loing, France

British-born French composer.

Born to German parents in England, he studied music in Leipzig and elsewhere, and in 1887 Edvard Grieg convinced his parents to let him pursue a musical career. He moved to France, eventually settling in a village near Paris. After World War I he gradually succumbed to paralysis and blindness, the consequence of syphilis. His works, influenced by Claude Debussy, include the operas A Village Romeo and Juliet (1901) and Fennimore and Gerda (1910); the tone poems Brigg Fair (1907) and On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring (1912); and the choral works Appalachia (1903) and A Mass of Life (1908).

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