
or Ta hsüeh
(Chinese; "Great Learning")

Short Chinese text generally attributed to Confucius and his disciple Zengzi.

For centuries it existed only as a chapter of the Liji (see Five Classics); it gained renown when republished as one of the Four Books. It states that world peace is impossible unless a ruler first regulates his own country, but that no ruler can do this without first setting his own household in order, which requires personal virtue. Zhu Xi's preface explains that the text is a means to personal development, instructing each individual to cultivate benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom.

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▪ Confucian text
Chinese“Great Learning” Wade-Giles romanization  Ta-hsüeh 

      brief Chinese text generally attributed to the ancient sage Confucius (551–479 BC) and his disciple Zengzi. For centuries the text existed only as a chapter of the Liji (“Collection of Rituals”), one of the Wujing (“Five Classics”) of Confucianism. When Zhu Xi, a 12th-century philosopher, published the text separately as one of the Sishu (“Four Books”), it gained lasting renown.

      In his preface to Daxue, Zhu Xi explained that the treatise is a means to personal development. Each individual, he says, must cultivate benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), and wisdom (zhi), but virtue will not be acquired in equal measure by all. Heaven will see to it that the most virtuous man will rule—as was the case with Fuxi, Shennong, Huangdi, Yao, and Shun (the five legendary rulers during China's prehistoric golden age).

      Daxue itself states that world peace is impossible unless a ruler first regulates his own country, but no ruler can do this without first setting his own household in order. This action in turn presupposes that he has oriented his personal life by rectifying his heart and acquiring sincerity. These virtues are the natural consequence of the expanded wisdom that results from investigating all things. Daxue thus views good government and world peace as inseparably tied to a ruler's personal wisdom.

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Universalium. 2010.

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