Darlington, Cyril Dean

Darlington, Cyril Dean
born Dec. 19, 1903, Chorley, Lancashire, Eng.
died March 26, 1981

British biologist.

A professor at the University of Oxford from 1953, he believed that chromosomes were the cellular components that passed hereditary information from generation to generation. He explained the behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis, formulating a theory of evolution in which the exchange of parts of chromosomes (crossing-over) was the central variable in determining the inherited characteristics of the next generation. His Evolution of Man and Society (1969) raised controversy by insisting that the intelligence of races was determined by inheritance.

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British biologist
born , Dec. 19, 1903, Chorley, Lancashire, Eng.
died March 26, 1981

      British biologist whose research on chromosomes (chromosome) influenced the basic concepts of the hereditary mechanisms underlying the evolution of sexually reproducing species.

      Darlington received a B.S. degree from Wye College, Kent, and subsequently joined the staff of the John Innes Horticultural Institution in Merton (later in Bayfordbury), of which he became director in 1939. In 1953 he was appointed Sherardian professor of botany at the University of Oxford.

      Darlington began his genetic studies under William Bateson at Innes during the 1920s. Unlike Bateson, however, Darlington became an early adherent of the theory that chromosomes are the cellular components that transmit hereditary information from generation to generation. He went on to elucidate the behaviour of chromosomes during the formation of gametes (meiosis). Building on the work of Thomas Hunt Morgan, who had demonstrated that portions of homologous chromosomes cross overi.e., are exchangedduring meiosis, Darlington formulated a theory of evolution in which crossing over, as opposed to individual point mutations, became the central variable in determining the inherited characteristics of the next generation.

      Darlington's published works ranged from the purely scientific (e.g., The Evolution of Genetic Systems, 1939) to broader discussions of the role of genetics in human history. The Evolution of Man and Society (1969) raised controversy by insisting that the intelligence of races was determined by inheritance.

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