

City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 107,530), West Bengal state, northeastern India.

It was purchased in 1835 from the raja of Sikkim and was developed as a sanatorium for British troops. Located at an average elevation of 7,500 ft (2,286 m), it commands views of Mounts Kanchenjunga and Everest. It is the summer headquarters of the West Bengal government. Its economy is based primarily on tea, which is plantation-grown.

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also spelled  Darjeeling , Tibetan  Dorje-ling 
 city, extreme northern West Bengal state, northeastern India. Darjiling lies about 305 miles (490 km) north of Kolkata (Calcutta) (Calcutta). The city is situated on a long, narrow mountain ridge of the Sikkim Himalayas that descends abruptly to the bed of the Great Rangit River. Darjiling lies at an elevation of about 7,000 feet (2,100 metres). On a clear day the city affords a magnificent view of Kanchenjunga (Kānchenjunga) (28,169 feet [8,586 metres]), and Mount Everest (Everest, Mount) can be seen from a nearby viewing point. The name of the city meansPlace of the Thunderbolt.” Darjiling is a noted hill resort, and the city's economy is based largely on tourism; the peak periods for visitors are April to June and September to November. The city has major road, rail, and air connections with Kolkata.

      Darjiling was ceded by the raja of Sikkim to the British in 1835 and was developed as a sanatorium for British troops. It was constituted a municipality in 1850. The Chaurastha (“Four Roads”) district encompasses the Mall, where the roads converge; it is the city's main shopping centre and the most attractive promenade. Observatory Hill, Darjiling's highest point (7,137 feet [2,175 metres]), is crowned by Mahakal Temple, which is sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists. Birch Hill contains a natural park and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. The Lloyd Botanic Gardens, well-known for their varieties of Himalayan flora, were laid out in 1865. Besides these attractions, Darjiling has a zoo, a natural history museum, and a racecourse. It is well-known for its residential schools, and there are several colleges affiliated with the University of North Bengal (founded 1962) in and around the city.

      The area in which Darjiling is situated receives plentiful rainfall and has a wide range of climates, from tropical to subalpine, owing to its varying elevations. Local coniferous and oak forests yield valuable timber. The local rural economy is based primarily on tea, which is plantation-grown up to elevations of 6,000 feet (1,800 metres). Other crops are rice, corn (maize), cardamom, and wheat. Pop. (2001) 107,197.

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