Culpeper's Rebellion

Culpeper's Rebellion
(167779) Popular uprising in the Albemarle section of Carolina to protest the British Navigation Acts, which denied the colonists free markets.

Led by John Culpeper and George Durant, the rebels imprisoned the deputy governor (and customs collector) and other officials. They convened a legislature, chose Culpeper as governor, and ran the colony for two years. Culpeper was removed by the colony's proprietors and tried for treason but never punished.

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American colonial history
      (167779), early popular uprising against proprietary rule in the Albemarle section of northern Carolina, caused by the efforts of the proprietary government to enforce the British Navigation Acts. These trade laws denied the colonists a free market outside England and placed heavy duties on commodities. The colonists' resentment found an object in the deputy governor, Thomas Miller, who was also customs collector. Led by John Culpeper and George Durant, the rebels imprisoned Miller and other officials, convened a legislature of their own, chose Culpeper governor, and for two years capably exercised all powers and duties of government. Culpeper was finally removed by the proprietors and tried for treason and embezzlement but was never punished.

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