Correns, Carl Erich

Correns, Carl Erich
born Sept. 19, 1864, Munich, Ger.
died Feb. 14, 1933, Berlin

German botanist and geneticist.

In the same year as Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg and Hugo de Vries (1900), he independently rediscovered Gregor Mendel's paper outlining the principles of heredity. He conducted research with garden peas, from which he drew the same conclusions Mendel had. He helped provide the overwhelming body of evidence in support of Mendel's thesis, anticipating Thomas Hunt Morgan's development of the concept of linkage when he developed a theory of a physical coupling of genetic factors to account for the consistent inheritance of certain traits together. See also William Bateson.

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German botanist
born September 19, 1864, Munich
died February 14, 1933, Berlin

      German botanist and geneticist who in 1900, independent of, but simultaneously with, the biologists Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg and Hugo de Vries, rediscovered Gregor Mendel's historic paper outlining the principles of heredity. In attempting to ascertain the extent to which Mendel's laws are valid, he undertook a classic study of non-Mendelian heredity in variegated plants, such as the four-o'clock (Mirabilis jalapa), which he established (1909) as the first conclusive example of extrachromosomal, or cytoplasmic, inheritance (cases in which certain characteristics of the progeny are determined by factors in the cytoplasm of the female sex cell).

      While an instructor of botany at the University of Tübingen (18921902), Correns conducted research with garden peas, from which he drew the same conclusions that Mendel had. Surveying the literature on the subject, he discovered the paper that Mendel had published 34 years earlier. Working at the universities of Leipzig (190209) and Münster (190914), Correns helped provide the overwhelming body of evidence in support of Mendel's thesis, anticipating the U.S. geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan's development of the concept of linkage when he postulated a physical coupling of genetic factors to account for the consistent inheritance of certain characters together. In 1914 he was appointed first director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, Berlin, where he remained until his death.

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