Cordobés, El

Cordobés, El
orig. Manuel Benítez Pérez

born May 4, 1936?, Palma del Río, Córdoba, Spain

Spanish bullfighter.

He grew up an illiterate orphan in Córdoba (his nickname means "the Córdovan") and was once imprisoned for unauthorized entry into bullrings. He began his career in 1959 and became a full matador in 1963. In the month of August 1965 alone, he killed a record 64 bulls and is believed to have been paid 35 million pesetas. The crudity of his technique was offset by his exceptional reflexes and courage; handsome, dashing, and flamboyant, he became the most highly paid torero in history.

El Cordobés

Michael Kuh/Black Star

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Spanish bullfighter
SpanishThe Córdovan”, byname of  Manuel Benítez Pérez , also called  Manolo 
born May 4, 1936?, Palma del Río, Córdoba, Spain
 Spanish bullfighter, the most highly paid torero in history. The crudity of his technique was offset by his exceptional reflexes, courage (sometimes considered total indifference to his own safety), and crowd appeal.

      Reared in an orphanage in his native town, Benítez was imprisoned for stealing food and later for unauthorized entry into bullrings. He remained illiterate until the period of his compulsory military service in the late 1950s. Said to have been inspired by a monument to the great matador Manolete in Córdoba, Spain, he began his career in 1959. During the 1960 season, while he was still a novillero (novice bullfighter), he attracted attention throughout Andalusia. He did not attain full rank as a matador until 1963, when he had already become famous. In 1965 he fought in 111 corridas, breaking the single-season record of 109 established by Juan Belmonte in 1919. In August 1965 he killed 64 bulls (a record for one month) and is believed to have been paid 35,000,000 pesetas (about $600,000).

      El Cordobés's antics and daredevil stuntssuch as kissing the bull between the hornsattracted extraordinary crowds. He appeared in motion pictures, the first of which was Aprendiendo a morir (1962; “Learning to Die”). He retired in 1972, but returned briefly to the bullring in 1979.

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Universalium. 2010.

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