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invectiveness — noun see invective I … New Collegiate Dictionary
invectiveness — … Useful english dictionary
invective — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English invectif, from Middle French, from Latin invectivus, from invectus, past participle of invehere Date: 15th century of, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse • invectively adverb • invectiveness… … New Collegiate Dictionary
invective — invectively, adv. invectiveness, n. /in vek tiv/, n. 1. vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach. 2. a railing accusation; vituperation. 3. an insulting or abusive word or expression. adj. 4. vituperative; denunciatory; censoriously … Universalium
invective — /ɪnˈvɛktɪv / (say in vektiv) noun 1. vehement denunciation; an utterance of violent censure or reproach. 2. a railing accusation; vituperation. –adjective 3. censoriously abusive; vituperative; denunciatory. {Middle English, from Late Latin… …
invective — [in vek′tiv] adj. [ME invectiff < MFr invectif < LL invectivus < L invectus, pp. of invehere: see INVEIGH] inveighing; using, inclined to use, or characterized by strong verbal abuse n. 1. a violent verbal attack; strong criticism,… … English World dictionary