Clemenceau, Georges

Clemenceau, Georges
born Sept. 28, 1841, Mouilleron-en-Pareds, France
died Nov. 24, 1929, Paris

French statesman and journalist.

A doctor before turning to politics, he served in the Chamber of Deputies (187693), becoming a leader of the radical republican bloc. He founded the newspapers La Justice (1880), L'Aurore (1897), and L'Homme Libre (1913) and came to be ranked among the foremost political writers of his time. His support for Alfred Dreyfus brought him into favour, and he served in the Senate (190220). He served as interior minister in 1906 and as premier (190609). During World War I, at age 76, he became premier again (191720), and his steadfast pursuit of the war won him the title "Father of Victory." He also helped frame the postwar Treaty of Versailles, endeavouring to reconcile French interests with those of Britain and the U.S. Defeated in a presidential election in 1920, he retired from politics.

Georges Clemenceau.

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prime minister of France
byname  The Tiger , French  Le Tigre 
born September 28, 1841, Mouilleron-en-Pareds, France
died November 24, 1929, Paris
 statesman and journalist who was a dominant figure in the French Third Republic and, as premier (191720), a major contributor to the Allied victory in World War I and a framer of the postwar Treaty of Versailles.

Early life
      Clemenceau was born in Vendée, a coastal département of western France. His youth was spent among peasants, but it was his father, Benjamin, a Voltairean, positivist, and admirer of the Revolution of 1789, who shaped him and remained his model. Through his father he met men who were plotting to overthrow the emperor Napoleon III and came to know the historian Jules Michelet (Michelet, Jules), who was being hunted by the imperial police. Benjamin was arrested briefly in 1858. Three years later (November 1861), he took Georges to Paris to study medicine.

      In the Latin Quarter, Clemenceau associated with young men of the republican opposition, who created an avant-garde association named Agis Comme Tu Penses (Act as You Think). Clemenceau, with some friends, founded a journal, Le Travail (“Work”), which set forth the views that were to characterize his future political action. It was seized by the police, and, because of an advertisement inviting the workers of Paris to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the Revolution of 1848, Clemenceau was imprisoned for 73 days. Upon his release, he started a new paper, Le Matin (“Morning”), which was in turn seized by the authorities. Having completed his studies, Clemenceau left for the United States, where he was to spend most of the next four years (186569). He reached New York City at the height of the Civil War. He was struck by the freedom of discussion and expression, unknown in France at the time, and he had great admiration for the politicians who were forging American democracy. When his father refused to continue financial aid, he taught in a girls' school in Stamford, Conn.; in due course, despite the opposition of her guardian, he married one of his pupils, Mary Plummer, in 1869. Three children were born of this union, but the couple separated after seven years.

Early political career
      Five days after his marriage, Clemenceau returned to France and established himself as a doctor in Vendée. But politics soon took him back to Paris. In July 1870, Napoleon III declared war on Germany. Less than two months later, the French were defeated at Sedan and the empire collapsed. Clemenceau was among the crowd that invaded the Palais-Bourbon on September 4 and hailed the radical leader Léon Gambetta, who was proclaiming the republic. Soon afterward, Clemenceau was named mayor of the 18th arrondissement (district) of Paris (Montmartre) and, on Feb. 8, 1871, was elected as a Radical Republican deputy to represent the Seine département in the National Assembly held in Bordeaux. He voted against the preliminaries of the harsh peace terms demanded by Germany and left Bordeaux determined to avenge France'sshameful humiliation.”

      Back in Paris, he became involved in the insurrection known as the Paris Commune (Paris, Commune of) and tried to mediate between its leaders and the National Assembly, then meeting at Versailles. He was not successful and, therefore, resigned as mayor and deputy (March 27, 1871). In 1876 he stood again for the Chamber of Deputies and was elected for the 18th arrondissement. He joined the extreme left, and his energy and mordant eloquence speedily made him the leader of the Radical bloc.

      In 1877, in the constitutional crisis precipitated on le seize mai (May 16), when Pres. Patrice MacMahon (Mac-Mahon, Marie-Edme-Patrice-Maurice, comte de (count of), Duc De (duke of) Magenta) attempted to make the government responsible to him rather than to the National Assembly, Clemenceau took a leading part in resisting such antirepublican policy. In 1880 he started his newspaper, La Justice, which became the principal organ of the Radicals in Paris; from that time onward, throughout the presidency (187987) of Jules Grévy (Grévy, Jules), he rapidly built up his reputation as a political critic of republicans and radicals as well as of conservatives and as a destroyer of ministries who would not, however, take office himself. Hostile to the colonial expansion that was dispersing the resources of a weakened France, he mercilessly attacked its promoters, and in 1885 his use of a minor reverse in Tongking (Indochina; now Vietnam) was the principal factor in the fall of Jules Ferry (Ferry, Jules)'s Cabinet. At the elections of 1885, he was returned both for his old seat in Paris and for the département of Var, for which he chose to sit. Refusing to form a ministry himself, because he could not command a majority in the Senate, he supported the government of Charles de Freycinet (Freycinet, Charles-Louis de Saulces de) in 1886 and was responsible for the inclusion in the Cabinet of Gen. Georges Boulanger (Boulanger, Georges) as minister of war. Clemenceau had mistakenly imagined Boulanger to be a republican, but when he showed himself an irresponsible demagogue and nationalist, a focus for both Bonapartist and monarchist support, Clemenceau became a vigorous opponent of the Boulangist movement and helped to form the League of the Rights of Man to press for radical reforms.

      By his share in the exposure of President Grévy's son-in-law for trafficking in honours, Clemenceau caused the resignation of another prime minister, Maurice Rouvier (Rouvier, Maurice), in 1887. Yet he refused Grévy's request that he form a ministry and intrigued to keep various other leaders out of office. His destructive political power won him an ever-increasing number of enemies, and his implication in the scandal of 1892, caused by the failure of the French Panama Canal Company (Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique), gave them allespecially the Boulangistsan unrivalled opportunity for revenge. Clemenceau's associations with the Jewish financier Cornélius Herz, who was deeply involved in the affair, inevitably threw suspicion on him; later he was accused of being in the pay of the British Foreign Office. The attack on Clemenceau was mounted in the powerful daily newspaper, Le Petit Journal; it took a dramatic turn when, in the Chamber of Deputies on Dec. 20, 1892, the author and Boulangist Paul Déroulède denounced him as the protégé and supporter of Herz. Clemenceau claimed that Déroulède was lying and challenged him to a duel, in which neither was hurt. More effectively, Clemenceau brought a successful lawsuit against his detractors. Their condemnation forced some of them to resign as deputies, but in the end they took Clemenceau with them. All the accumulated venom he had aroused was concentrated in the election of 1893 when, standing again for the Var département, Clemenceau was attacked on all sides. Despite conducting an exhaustive and brilliant campaign, he was defeated.

      But Clemenceau was too much of a fighter to give in to discouragement. He started upon a serious career in journalism and, after a difficult beginning, came to be classed among the foremost political writers of his time. A new Clemenceau was revealed: a man of reflection, of vast culture, a friend of the best known writers and artists of the period. An ardent supporter of the Impressionists (Impressionism), he especially favoured the work of Monet (Monet, Claude): after World War I he arranged for a series of Monet's paintings to be exhibited in the Orangerie in the Tuileries Gardens.

      At the same time, Clemenceau was writing books, mainly political and sociological, but his Au pied du Sinaï (At the Foot of Mount Sinai, 1922), illustrated by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, was a volume of sketches on the history of the Jewish people. He also tried his hand at writing a play.

      He was, however, essentially a journalist and inevitably wrote much about the Dreyfus (Dreyfus, Alfred) case, which agitated France from 1894 to 1906. At first Clemenceau had assumed that the young Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus had, indeed, been guilty of selling secrets to Germany. But, once convinced of his innocence, Clemenceau carried on an eight-year battle (18971905) in his newspapers La Justice and L'Aurore (founded in 1897). Clemenceau's support for Dreyfus brought him back into favour with his fellow republicans, and he was prevailed upon to accept election as senator for Var in April 1902.

      This election was of vital importance in the political career of Clemenceau. He remained a senator from Var until 1920, the year in which he voluntarily ended his political activity. It was as senator that he was to show his greatest qualities as a statesman. He became a member of the Cabinet in 1906 as interior minister and was premier from 1906 to 1909. Finally, in 1917, after three years of World War I, when France's morale and resources were at their lowest ebb, he accepted Pres. Raymond Poincaré's (Poincaré, Raymond) invitation to head the war government (191720). His steadfast and ruthless pursuit of war brought him the titleFather of Victory.”

      As minister of the interior, Clemenceau faced difficult problems, notably the enforcement of the new law (1905) separating church and state, as well as serious labour problems. When a strike of miners in the Pas-de-Calais led to a threat of disorder in 1906, he resolved to employ the military. His attitude in this matter alienated the Socialist Party, from which he definitely broke in a notable speech. It marked him, however, as thestrong manof the day in French politics, and, when the ministry of Ferdinand Sarrien resigned in October 1906, Clemenceau became premier. During 1907 and 1908 the new entente with England was cemented. In Morocco, a dispute between France and Germany over the harbouring in the German consulate of German deserters from the French Foreign Legion brought renewed tension between the two countries. Austria-Hungary urged calmness on the Germans, and in February 1909 a joint agreement was signed, recognizing the economic interests of Germany and the special political interests of France in Morocco. The Clemenceau government fell on July 20, 1909, Clemenceau resigning after a violent and unexpected argument with the influential statesman Théophile Delcassé (Delcassé, Théophile).

      Freed from the responsibilities of power, Clemenceau travelled abroad. He took advantage of this opportunity to make speeches in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil on the subject of democracy. “I am a soldier of democracy,” he said. “It is the only form of government which can establish equality for all, and which can bring closer the ultimate goals: freedom and justice.”

Leadership during World War I
      Back in the Senate (1911), Clemenceau became a member of its commissions for foreign affairs and the army. He was convinced that Germany intended war, and, haunted by the fear that France might again be caught unprepared, he enquired diligently into the state of France's armaments. In order to publicize his views on rearmament, he founded in May 1913 a new daily paper, L'Homme Libre, with himself as editor.

      When World War I broke out in July 1914, the partisan in him gave way to the patriot, who called upon every Frenchman to join the fray. L'Homme Libre suffered at the hands of the censors for Clemenceau's plain speaking and, in September 1914, was suppressed. Two days later, however, it reappeared entitled L'Homme Enchaîné, and, although at first it was subjected to much cutting, later excisions became rare. Meanwhile, in the Senate Clemenceau agitated for more and more guns, munitions, and soldiers, for judicious use of the available manpower, and for a better organized and equipped medical service. Deeply concerned about the attitude of the United States to the war, he sent urgent appeals to the American public and to Pres. Woodrow Wilson (Wilson, Woodrow) and was overjoyed at the United States' entry into the war in April 1917.

      Above all, Clemenceau strove to create an indomitablewill to victory.” As the war dragged on, weariness, slackness, and pacifism began to appear. He was the first to draw public attention to such insidious perils. In these difficult conditions, President Poincaré, in November 1917, called upon Clemenceau to form a government. Though he was 76 years of age, he formed his Cabinet with himself as minister of war as well as premier. Clemenceau's single purpose was to win the war, and to this aim all other interests were subordinated. For traitors and defeatists he had no clemency. The hope of victory urged him on. Yet he was obsessed with the need for a unified military command and was able ultimately to convert to his viewpoint the allied governments and military leaders. In March 1918, Ferdinand Foch (Foch, Ferdinand) was designated sole commander. Despite disasters in May 1918, Clemenceau's resolve remained unshaken, and he declared that he would wage warto the last quarter hour, for the last quarter hour will be ours.”

Negotiation of the Peace
      The armistice signed by the defeated Germans on Nov. 11, 1918, proved him right and brought him, the last survivor of those who had protested at Bordeaux in 1871 against the harsh terms imposed on France, the satisfaction of seeing Alsace-Lorraine returned to France. Clemenceau found that building the peace was a more arduous task than winning the war. He wanted the wartime alliance to be followed by an indefectible peacetime alliance. He presided with authority over the difficult sessions of the Paris Peace Conference (1919).

      The Treaty of Versailles (Versailles, Treaty of) was in preparation, and this necessitated strenuous days of work and delicate negotiations. Clemenceau made it his task to reconcile the interests of France with those of Great Britain and the United States. He defended the French cause with enthusiasm and conviction, forcing his view alternately on the British prime minister, David Lloyd George and the United States president, Woodrow Wilson. He also took care to see that Germany was disarmed. With his desire for poetic justice, he insisted that the Treaty of Versailles be signed (June 28, 1919) in the Hall of Mirrors of the Versailles palace where, in 1871, William I had had himself proclaimed German emperor.

      Meanwhile, the French Assembly began to grow restless, for it saw itself put to one side in the peace negotiations. It no longer regarded Clemenceau as indispensable. A new Chamber of Deputies was elected on Nov. 16, 1919, and Clemenceau imagined that he would have its support, since many of its members were former servicemen. But the politicians could not forgive him for having excluded them not only from the conduct of the war but also from the negotiation of the peace. He also had to face hostility from the clerical party on the extreme right and from the pacifist element on the extreme left. Defeated in the presidential election of Jan. 17, 1920, he then, as was customary on the election of a new president, resigned the premiership. He also gave up all other political activities.

Later years
      Clemenceau was nearly 80 years old when he retired to Vendée, to Bel-Ebat, a modest cottage on a dune overlooking the Atlantic. He spent a few days in Corsica with his friend Nicolas Piétri, whom he named as executor of his will and whom he persuaded to accompany him on a long sea voyage to India, from September 1920 to May 1921. In Singapore, he dedicated a street bearing his name. He went tiger hunting and amazed his hosts with the spryness of his wit and with his insatiable intellectual curiosity. Everywhere he was warmly welcomed asthe statesman who has deserved his world-wide reputation and who has done so much for the cause of the Allies.”

      When it appeared that the United States was seeking to dissociate itself from European affairs, Clemenceau, now 81 years old, visited the United States (November 1922) in an attempt to arouse its citizens from isolationism. He was welcomed triumphantly and in three weeks delivered about 30 speeches, admonishing his audiences that, if they forgot that there had been a war, another would break out. Woodrow Wilson, whom he visited, thanked him with great feeling for this peace crusade. Before returning to France, Clemenceau undertook a pilgrimage to the places where French soldiers had fought in the battle for American independence.

      He retired finally to Bel-Ebat, although he still made short trips to Paris. He read a great deal and particularly enjoyed rereading Greek and Latin works in the original. He wrote Démosthène (1926; Demosthenes, 1926), a study of Demosthenes and the fate of Greece, whose political instability had compromised its independence. He also wrote Au soir de la pensée (1927; In the Evening of My Thought, 1929), a sort of philosophic testament. He remained interested in political events and was grieved by them. In 1926 he sent a virulent letter to the U.S. president, Calvin Coolidge, calling for solidarity among the Allies in the face of German demands.

      The years went by, bringing bereavements. The death of Foch saddened him, for he had admired him. But the posthumous publication of the Marshal's Mémorial aroused in him bitterness and indignation. With sadness but with pride, he answered it in his own unfinished memoirs, Grandeurs et misères d'une victoire (1930; Grandeur and Misery of Victory, 1930).

      On March 28, 1929, he wrote down his last wishes: to be buried near his father at Colombier, a spot of wild natural beauty in his native Vendée. He wanted no funeral procession, no official or religious ceremony. Around his tomb there was to be a very simple iron railing, with no inscription. He died in 1929 in his rue Franklin apartment in Paris.

Gaston Monnerville Ed.

Additional Reading
David R. Watson, Georges Clemenceau: A Political Biography (1974), the first full-length scholarly political biography; Gaston Monnerville, Clemenceau . . . (1968), an impartial study (in French) that presents a forceful picture of Clemenceau the man; Georges M. Wormser, La République de Clemenceau (1961), an important, well-documented work by a political collaborator of Clemenceau; Charles L. Mee, Jr., The End of the Order: Versailles 1919 (1980), a popular study depicting Clemenceau as the most influencial diplomat at the conference; Jean Martet, M. Clemenceau peint par lui-même (1929), and Le Silence de M. Clemenceau (1929), two works by a former collaborator of Clemenceau to whom he entrusted the task of editing his papers (both full of intimate details and of Clemenceau's opinions of the men of his time). See also John Hampden Jackson, Clemenceau and the Third Republic (1946, reprinted 1979).

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