Claudius Caecus, Appius

Claudius Caecus, Appius
flourished 3rd century BC

Roman statesman and legal reformer.

Elected censor, Appius extended the rights of the sons of freedmen and the landless. He completed the Aqua Appia, Rome's first aqueduct, and started construction of the Appian Way. He was consul in 307, censor a second time in 296, and praetor in 295. By publishing the legis actiones ("methods of legal practice") and lists of court days, he provided greater public access to the legal system. In his old age he convinced the Senate to drive the Epirite king Pyrrhus from southern Italy.

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Roman statesman
flourished 3rd century BC

      outstanding statesman, legal expert, and author of early Rome who was one of the first notable personalities in Roman history.

      A member of the patrician class, Appius embarked on a program of political reform during his censorship, beginning in 312 BC. Elements of this program included the distribution of the landless citizens of Rome among the tribes, which at that time constituted basic political units. Appius also admitted sons of freedmen into the Senate. One intent of these reforms may have been to give the urban artisans and commercial interests full political rights and, consequently, a greater voice in government.

      Speculation as to why this member of the nobility proposed reforms apparently offensive to his class range from the suggestion that he was attempting to break the power of a new patrician-plebeian nobility on behalf of the older nobility to the suggestion that he was a demagogue attempting to create a new base of power. However, Appius' reforms were partly undone in 304, while some freedmen had already been denied a place in the Senate during the consulship that followed his own of 307.

      His building projects proved more lasting. He completed the construction of the Aqua Appia, Rome's first aqueduct, bringing in water from the Sabine Hills. He also initiated the Via Appia (Appian Way), the great military and commercial road between Rome and Capua. Both of these projects were named for him, the first time such an honour had been conferred. Appius was elected censor a second time in 296 and commanded Roman troops against Samnium.

      Appius' legal contribution lies in his initiating publication of the legis actiones (“methods of legal practice”) and of a list of court days, allowing people readier access to legal remedy. He was the author of a treatise, De Usurpationibus (“Concerning Usurpations”), which has been lost. He is also one of the earliest Roman prose and verse writers whose name is known, though only fragments of one poem have survived.

      Appius Claudius suffered blindness in old age, hence his surname Caecus (“the blind”). Near the end of his life, during a war between Rome and the Epirite king Pyrrhus, the Senate was presented with peace proposals that, if accepted, could have resulted in the abandonment by Rome of southern Italy. The aged Appius gave an eloquent speech urging rejection of the proposals. The Senate was convinced, and further warfare between Rome and Pyrrhus compelled the Epirite king to depart from Italy. This speech and others were still preserved and read in the time of Cicero.

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