Chamoun, Camille (Nimer)

Chamoun, Camille (Nimer)
also spelled Kamīl Shamʽūn

born April 3, 1900, Dayr al-Qamar, Leb.
died Aug. 7, 1987, Beirut

President of Lebanon (195258).

He reorganized government departments to increase efficiency and allowed the press and opposition groups considerable freedom. International tensions rose in 1956 when he refused to break relations with Britain and France over the Suez Crisis. In 1958, when Syria and Egypt formed the short-lived United Arab Republic, he refused pleas from Lebanon's Muslims to join. Armed rebellion broke out, and Chamoun did not seek a second presidential term. He held ministerial posts during the Lebanese civil war (197591).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Chamoun —   [ʃa mun], Camille Nimer, libanesischer Politiker, * Deir al Kamar (Verwaltungsgebiet Nord) 3. 4. 1900, ✝ Beirut 7. 8. 1987; maronitische Christ, Rechtsanwalt, mehrfach Minister (u. a. für Inneres, 1943/44), vertrat als Staatspräsident (1952 58) …   Universal-Lexikon

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