Chabrol, Claude

Chabrol, Claude
born June 24, 1930, Paris, France

French film director, screenwriter, and producer.

After working in public relations in 20th Century-Fox's Paris office, he directed The Cousins (1959), one of the first films of the New Wave movement. Among his many other films are Les Biches (1968), Violette (1978), The Story of Women (1988), and Merci pour la chocolat (2000). He admired Alfred Hitchcock and used a style similar to his in several mystery thrillers, including This Man Must Die (1969), Le Boucher (1970), and La Cérémonie (1995).

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French director
born June 24, 1930, Paris, France
 motion-picture director, scenarist, and producer who was France's master of the mystery thriller.

      After attending the School of Political Science at the University of Paris, he was a critic and public relations man for Twentieth Century-Fox's French office. Le Beau Serge (1958; “Handsome Serge”; Bitter Reunion), written and produced by Chabrol, was an important film of the New Wave (Nouvelle Vague), a term applied in the late 1950s to a widely diversified experimental movement in French films. That same year he wrote, directed, and produced Les Cousins (1958; The Cousins) and later directed such pictures as Les Bonnes Femmes (1960; “The Good Women”), Landru (1962; Bluebeard), Les Biches (1968; The Does), and Le Boucher (1969; The Butcher).

      As the New Wave receded, Chabrol maintained a prodigious output, creating such works as Violette Nozière (1978; Violette), Le Cheval d'orgueil (1979; The Horse of Pride), Blood Relatives (1981), Poulet au vinaigre (1985; “Chicken in Vinegar”), Une Affaire de femmes (1988; Story of Women), and an adaptation (1991) of Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary. His critical successes at the turn of the century include La Cérémonie (1995; A Judgement in Stone), Merci pour le chocolat (2000; Nightcap), and La Fleur de mal (2003; The Flower of Evil).

      Chabrol's fascination with the grotesque, his use of the irony of situation, and his commingling of tragedy and comedy reflect the strong stylistic influence of the English director Alfred Hitchcock (Hitchcock, Sir Alfred). He was coauthor of a biography of Hitchcock in 1957.

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  • Chabrol, Claude — (June 24, 1930, Paris, France )    Born into a bourgeois family, he prepared at pharmacy school to succeed his father. His passion for cinema led him to work as press attaché for the Twentieth Century Fox advertising department. He collaborated… …   Encyclopedia of French film directors

  • Chabrol, Claude — (1930 )    Actor, director, film critic, producer, and screenwriter. Claude Chabrol spent much of his youth during World War II in Sardent, a village that provided the setting of some of his films. He later met fellow New Wave directors in ciné… …   Guide to cinema

  • Chabrol, Claude — (1930 )    Actor, director, film critic, producer, and screenwriter. Claude Chabrol spent much of his youth during World War II in Sardent, a village that provided the setting of some of his films. He later met fellow New Wave directors in ciné… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Chabrol, Claude — • ШАБРО ЛЬ (Chabrol) Клод (р. 24.6.1930)    франц. режиссёр. Выступал как кинокритик. Первый фильм Ш. Красавчик Серж (1958, пр. Мкф в Локарно) воссоздавал атмосферу франц. провинции, где царят скука, дикость и вырождение. Ф., во многом… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

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