Cavallini, Pietro

Cavallini, Pietro
born с 1250, Rome
died с 1330

Italian painter and mosaicist active mainly in Rome.

His major surviving works are mosaics depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin for the Roman church of Santa Maria in Trastevere (1290s) and fragments of a fresco cycle, including a Last Judgment, for the church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere (с 1293). He was the first to break with the stylizations of Byzantine art; his figures have a sense of weight and three-dimensionality. Cavallini had many students, and his work was an important influence on his great contemporary Giotto.

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▪ Italian artist
born c. 1250, , Rome [Italy]
died c. 1330

      Roman fresco painter and mosaicist whose work represents the earliest significant attempt in Italian art to break with Byzantine (Byzantine art) stylizations and move toward a plastic, illusionistic depiction of figures and space. He was an important influence on the innovatory Florentine painter Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) (d. 1337).

      Cavallini's first authenticated work is a series of fresco decorations of the nave of San Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome, done between 1277 and 1290. These were painted over the outlines of early Christian frescoes of the 5th century in an effort to “restore” them. Both Cavallini's works and the few earlier frescoes that he did not replace perished in a fire in 1823. Copies of both survive, however, and the spacious monumentality and classical affinities of the 5th-century works seem to have had a profound effect on forming Cavallini's style.

      In 1291 he began his major series of mosaics, scenes from the life of the Virgin for Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, which show a definite classical mood. The superficial conventions of Byzantine facial types and gesture persist, but Byzantine linear treatment of draperies is severely reduced in favour of rounded modeling, and the traditional linear definition of facial features is completely abandoned. There is a strikingly new spatial clarity and sculptural approach to the figures and a use of light that is unprecedented in Italian art; the light strikes the figures from one direction and serves to mold and reveal, rather than decorate, the form.

      At some time in the early 1290s Cavallini executed his most famous works, a Last Judgment fresco, frescoes of Old Testament scenes (only fragments survive), and an Annunciation in Santa Cecilia in Trastevere in Rome. Here the classicizing elements of his mosaics are consolidated in a powerful and grandly expressive style best illustrated by a beautiful and lively group of seated Apostles, highly individualized, whose solidity of form is completely successful in defining the space around them. A further important feature is the use of soft, rich colour harmonies and shading.

      In 1308 Cavallini was invited to Naples by Charles of Anjou; there he came into contact with the graceful forms of Gothic art of the northern Anjou country. In about 1315 he returned briefly to Rome to decorate the facade of San Paolo Fuori le Mura with frescoes (now destroyed). He had many pupils who carried on his tradition.

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