Case, Stephen

Case, Stephen
born Aug. 21, 1958, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.

U.S. businessman.

In 1985 he cofounded Quantum Computer Services, whose name was changed in 1991 to America Online (AOL). As chairman and CEO of the company, he developed it into the world's leading interactive services company and helped turn the Internet into a mass medium. In 2001 he became the CEO of the newly formed AOL Time Warner Inc.

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  • Case, Stephen — (n. 21 ago. 1958, Honolulu, Hawai, EE.UU.). Empresario estadounidense. En 1985 cofundó Quantum Computer Services, cuyo nombre cambió en 1991 a America Online (AOL). Como presidente y principal ejecutivo (CEO) de la compañía, la convirtió en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Stephen — /stee veuhn/, n. 1. Saint, died A.D. c35, first Christian martyr. 2. Saint, c975 1038, first king of Hungary 997 1038. 3. (Stephen of Blois) 1097? 1154, king of England 1135 54. 4. Sir Leslie, 1832 1904, English critic, biographer, and… …   Universalium

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  • case — case1 caseless, adj. caselessly, adv. /kays/, n. 1. an instance of the occurrence, existence, etc., of something: Sailing in such a storm was a case of poor judgment. 2. the actual state of things: That is not the case. 3. a question or problem… …   Universalium

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  • Stephen Lawrence — († 22. April 1993) war ein schwarzer britischer Student. Der britische Teenager aus Eltham, London wurde am 22. April 1993 an einer Bushaltestelle erstochen.[1] Nach den ersten Ermittlungen wurden fünf Verdächtige festgenommen, aber nie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stephen Gately — Gately performing with Boyzone at Wembley Arena, May 2009. Background information Birth name Stephen Patrick David Gately …   Wikipedia

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