Camillus, Marcus Furius

Camillus, Marcus Furius
died 365 BC

Roman soldier and statesman.

He allegedly defeated the Gauls after their sack of Rome (с 390), for which he was honoured as the city's second founder. Awarded four triumphs and made dictator five times, he enjoyed his greatest victory in 396, over the Etruscans at Veii. Though a patrician, he adopted reforms beneficial to the army and the plebeians (367).

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Roman soldier
died 365 BC
 Roman soldier and statesman who came to be honoured after the sack of Rome by the Gauls (c. 390) as the second founder of the city.

      Camillus celebrated four triumphs and served five times as dictator of Rome. His greatest victory was as dictator in 396 BC, when he conquered the Etruscan city of Veii. He was again appointed dictator in 390, when the Gauls had captured Rome, and he is said to have defeated the invaders. That victory, however, was probably invented to counterbalance Rome's defeat by the Gauls at the Allia River the same year. Thereafter he fought successfully against the Aequi, Volsci, Etruscans, and Gauls.

      Although a patrician conscious of his class interest, he introduced pay for the army at the siege of Veii, and, realizing the need to make concessions to the plebeians, he accepted the LicinianSextian reform laws in 367. Although Roman writers may have exaggerated his achievements, Camillus clearly played a dominant role in Rome's recovery in the decades after the Gallic sack of the city.

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