Cameron, Simon

Cameron, Simon
born March 8, 1799, Maytown, Pa., U.S.
died June 26, 1889, Donegal Springs, Pa.

U.S. politician.

He was successful in several businesses before entering the U.S. Senate (184549, 185761, and 186777). As leader of Pennsylvania's Republican Party, he helped secure the nomination of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Appointed secretary of war in 1861, he was soon dismissed for showing favouritism in awarding army contracts.

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United States secretary of war
born March 8, 1799, Maytown, Pa., U.S.
died June 26, 1889, Donegal Springs, Pa.

      U.S. senator, secretary of war during the American Civil War, and a political boss of Pennsylvania. His son James Donald Cameron (18331918) succeeded him in the Senate and as a political power in his state.

      With only slight formal schooling, Cameron was successful in various businesses before he entered the Senate, where he served for 18 years (184549; 185761; 186777). In 1860, as Pennsylvania's favourite-son candidate for nomination for president at the Republican National Convention, he threw his support to Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln, Abraham), thereby gaining a seat in Lincoln's Cabinet. He administered the War Department with such favouritism that Lincoln replaced him with Edwin M. Stanton (Jan. 11, 1862), and he was censured for his conduct by the House of Representatives. Lincoln then appointed him minister to Russia, from which post he resigned (Nov. 8, 1862).

      Cameron returned to the Senate in 1867, serving as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee from 1872. He wielded such power in Republican circles that he was able to obtain the appointment of his son as secretary of war by President Ulysses S. Grant. When, however, the new president, Rutherford B. Hayes, refused to continue the younger Cameron in office in 1877, the elder resigned his Senate seat to enable his son to succeed him.

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