Bürger, Gottfried August

Bürger, Gottfried August
born Dec. 31, 1747, Molmerswende bei Halberstadt, Brandenburg
died June 8, 1794, Göttingen, Hanover

German poet.

He was associated with the Göttinger Hain, a circle of Sturm und Drang poets who reawakened interest in folk and nature themes. His bizarre ballad "Lenore" (1773) had a profound effect on the subsequent development of literary Romanticism throughout Europe, and he is remembered as a founder of German Romantic ballad literature. He is also noted for his Petrarchan sonnets and translations from English, especially Thomas Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.

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German poet
born Dec. 31, 1747, Molmerswende bei Halberstadt, Brandenburg, Prussia [Germany]
died June 8, 1794, Göttingen, Hanover

      one of the founders of German Romantic ballad literature whose style reflects the renewed interest in folk song (Volkspoesie) in Europe during the late 1700s.

      Bürger was educated in theology at the University of Halle and in law at the University of Göttingen. It was in Göttingen that he first came into contact with a group of Sturm und Drang poets known as the Göttinger Hain, who drew inspiration from folk ballads.

      In 1773 Bürger published the balladLenore,” a spectral romance in which a ghostly rider, posing as Lenore's dead lover, carries her away on a macabre night ride through an eerie landscape illuminated by flashes of lightning. It culminates in a revelation of the rider as Death himselfa skeleton with scythe and hourglass. The poem's use of refrain and its simple and naive language, as well as its sensational theme, had a profound effect upon the subsequent development of Romanticism throughout Europe.

      Bürger's unbalanced temperament and largely impoverished circumstances prevented him from ever achieving lasting happiness. In 1774 he married Dorette Leonhard but soon fell passionately in love with her sister, theMollyof his sonnets. His wife's death, in 1784, freed him to marryMolly,” but she died soon afterward, in childbirth. In 1789 he was appointed extraordinary professor at Göttingen, though without a stipend, leaving him in poverty for the remainder of his life. A third marriage, in 1790, was a disaster and was dissolved in 1792.

      In addition to a number of Petrarchan sonnets, which considerably influenced later German poets, Bürger also did translations from the English. These included an influential collection of English and Scottish traditional ballads, Thomas Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, and an expanded version of Rudolf Erich Raspe's English translation of the original German tall tale The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

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