- Buthelezi, Mangosuthu G(atsha)
born Aug. 27, 1928, Mahlabatini, Natal, S.Af.Descended from Cetshwayo, he assumed leadership of the Buthelezi clan in 1953. He was elected head of the nonindependent black state of KwaZulu in 1972 and revived Inkatha in 1975 after breaking with the African National Congress (ANC). Rejecting full independence for KwaZulu, he worked within the white establishment to end apartheid. In 1990–94 he engaged in a fierce struggle for leadership with the ANC; thousands were killed in Inkatha-ANC clashes. Following the 1994 national elections, he was appointed minister of home affairs by Nelson Mandela; he held the post until 2004.
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Universalium. 2010.