Bouguereau, William (-Adolphe)

Bouguereau, William (-Adolphe)
born Nov. 30, 1825, La Rochelle, Fr.
died Aug. 19, 1905, La Rochelle

French painter.

He entered the École des Beaux-Arts in 1846 and was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1850. On his return from Italy in 1854, he became a successful proponent of academic painting and was instrumental in the exclusion of the radical Impressionists from the official Salon. Working in a smooth, highly finished style, he painted sentimental religious works, coyly erotic nudes, allegorical scenes, and realistic portraits. In 1876 he was elected to the Academy of Fine Arts. His influence was felt widely, particularly in the U.S.

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Universalium. 2010.

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