Botha, P(ieter) W(illem)

Botha, P(ieter) W(illem)
born Jan. 12, 1916, Paul Roux, S.Af.

Prime minister (197884) and first state president (198489) of South Africa.

Elected to parliament as a National Party candidate in 1948, Botha served in several subsequent posts before replacing John Vorster as prime minister in 1978. His government faced serious difficulties, including the coming to power of black governments in Mozambique, Angola, and Zimbabwe, an insurgency in South West Africa (Namibia), and domestic unrest among black students and labour unions. Botha responded by backing antigovernment troops in the bordering states and suppressing rebellion at home. A target of criticism from within and outside his party, he fell ill and resigned in 1989.

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  • Botha, P(ieter) W(illem) — (n. 12 ene. 1916, Paul Roux, Sudáfrica). Primer ministro (1978–84) y primer presidente (1984–89) de Sudáfrica. Elegido al parlamento en 1948 como candidato del Partido Nacional, desempeñó varios cargos antes de reemplazar a John Vorster como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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