Bose, Subhas Chandra

Bose, Subhas Chandra
born Jan. 23, 1897, Cuttack, Orissa, India
died Aug. 18, 1945, Taipei, Taiwan?

Indian revolutionary.

Preparing in Britain for a career in the Indian civil service, he resigned his candidacy on hearing of nationalist turmoil back home. Sent by Mohandas K. Gandhi to organize in Bengal, he was deported and imprisoned several times. He favoured industrialization, which put him at odds with Gandhi's economic thought, and though he was elected president of the Indian National Congress in 1938 and 1939, without Gandhi's support he felt bound to resign. He slipped out of India in 1941 and carried on his struggle against the British from Nazi Germany and later from Southeast Asia. In 1944 he invaded India from Burma (Myanmar) with a small army of Indian nationals and Japanese, but his army was soon forced to retreat. He fled Southeast Asia after the Japanese surrender in 1945 and died of burns suffered in a plane crash.

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Indian military leader
byname  Netaji (Hindi:Respected Leader”) 
born , c. Jan. 23, 1897, Cuttack, Orissa, India
died Aug. 18, 1945, Taipei, Taiwan?

      Indian revolutionary who led an Indian national force against the Western powers during World War II.

      The son of a wealthy and prominent Bengali lawyer, Bose studied at Presidency College, Calcutta (Kolkata (Calcutta)), from which he was expelled in 1916 for nationalist activities, and the Scottish Churches College (graduating in 1919). He then was sent by his parents to the University of Cambridge in England to prepare for the Indian Civil Service. In 1920 he passed the civil service examination, but in April 1921, after hearing of the nationalist turmoils in India, he resigned his candidacy and hurried back to India. Throughout his career, especially in its early stages, he was supported financially and emotionally by an elder brother, Sarat Chandra Bose (18891950), a wealthy Calcutta lawyer and Congress Party politician.

      Bose joined the Noncooperation Movement started by Mohandas K. Gandhi (Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand), who had made the Indian National Congress a powerful nonviolent organization. Bose was advised by Gandhi to work under Chitta Ranjan Das (Das, Chitta Ranjan), a politician in Bengal. There Bose became a youth educator, journalist, and commandant of the Bengal Congress volunteers. His activities led to his imprisonment in December 1921. In 1924 he was appointed chief executive officer of the Calcutta Municipal Corporation, with Das as mayor. Bose was soon after deported to Burma (Myanmar) because he was suspected of connections with secret revolutionary movements. Released in 1927, he returned to find Bengal Congress affairs in disarray after the death of Das, and shortly thereafter, Bose was elected president of the Bengal Congress.

      By this time Gandhi had resumed his leadership role in the Congress Party. When the civil disobedience movement was started in 1930, Bose was already in detention for his associations with an underground revolutionary group, the Bengal Volunteers. Released and then rearrested several times for his suspected role in violent acts, Bose was finally allowed to proceed to Europe after a year's detention. In enforced exile, he wrote The Indian Struggle, 19201934 and pleaded India's cause with European leaders. He returned from Europe in 1936, was again taken into custody, and was released after a year. In 1938 he was elected president of the Indian National Congress and formed a national planning committee, which formulated a policy of broad industrialization. However, this did not harmonize with Gandhian economic thought, which clung to the notion of cottage industries and benefiting from the use of the country's own resources. Bose's vindication came in 1939, when he defeated a Gandhian rival for reelection. Nonetheless, therebel presidentfelt bound to resign because of the lack of Gandhi's support. He founded the Forward Bloc, hoping to rally radical elements, but was again incarcerated in July 1940. His refusal to remain in prison at this critical period of India's history was expressed in a determination to fast to death, which frightened the British government into releasing him. On Jan. 26, 1941, though closely watched, he escaped from his Calcutta residence in disguise and, traveling via Kabul and Moscow, eventually reached Germany in April.

      In Nazi Germany Bose came under the tutelage of a newly created Special Bureau for India, guided by Adam von Trott zu Solz. He and other Indians who had gathered in Berlin made regular broadcasts from the German-sponsored Azad Hind Radio beginning in January 1942, speaking in English, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, and Pashto.

      A little more than a year after the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia, Bose left Germany, traveling by German and Japanese submarines and by plane, and arrived in May 1943 in Tokyo. On July 4 he assumed leadership of the Indian Independence Movement in East Asia and proceeded, with Japanese aid and influence, to form a trained army of about 40,000 troops in Japanese-occupied Southeast Asia. On Oct. 21, 1943, Bose proclaimed the establishment of a provisional independent Indian government, and his so-called Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj), alongside Japanese troops, advanced to Rangoon (Yangôn) and thence overland into India, reaching Indian soil on March 18, 1944, and moving into Kohima and the plains of Imphal. In a stubborn battle, the mixed Indian and Japanese forces, lacking Japanese air support, were defeated and forced to retreat; the Indian National Army nevertheless for some time succeeded in maintaining its identity as a liberation army, based in Burma and then Indochina. With the defeat of Japan, however, Bose's fortunes ended.

      A few days after Japan's announced surrender in August 1945, Bose, fleeing Southeast Asia, reportedly died in a Japanese hospital in Taiwan as a result of burn injuries from a plane crash.

Additional Reading
Hugh Toye, The Springing Tiger: A Study of a Revolutionary (1959); H.N. Pandit, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, from Kabul to Battle of Imphal (1988); and Leonard A. Gordon, Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists Sarat and Subhas Chandra Bose (1991), focus on Bose's life. Sisir K. Bose and Sugata Bose (eds.), The Essential Writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (1997), is a compilation of Boses's selective writings.

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