Bontemps, Arna(ud) (Wendell)

Bontemps, Arna(ud) (Wendell)
born Oct. 13, 1902, Alexandria, La., U.S.
died June 4, 1973, Nashville, Tenn.

U.S. writer of the Harlem Renaissance.

At age three Bontemps moved with his family to California. His poetry began appearing in the black magazines Crisis and Opportunity in the 1920s. With Countee Cullen he turned his first novel, God Sends Sundays (1931), into the play St. Louis Woman. Two later novels dealt with slave revolts. He edited anthologies with Langston Hughes and wrote prolifically for children, mostly nonfiction works on African Americans and African American history. He worked at Fisk University for most of his adult life.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Bontemps, Arna(ud) (Wendell) — (13 oct. 1902, Alexandria, La., EE.UU.–4 jun. 1973, Nashville, Tenn.). Escritor estadounidense del renacimiento de Harlem. A la edad de tres años, Bontemps se trasladó con su familia a California. En la década de 1920, su poesía empezó a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bontemps, Arna — ▪ American writer in full  Arna Wendell Bontemps   born Oct. 13, 1902, Alexandria, La., U.S. died June 4, 1973, Nashville, Tenn.  American writer who depicted the lives and struggles of black Americans.       After graduating from Pacific Union… …   Universalium

  • Bontemps,Arna Wendell — Bon·temps (bôɴ täɴʹ), Arna Wendell. 1902 1973. American writer whose works of poetry, history, and fiction, such as God Sends Sunday and Black Thunder, established him as a leading figure of the Harlem Renaissance. * * * …   Universalium

  • Wendell — (as used in expressions) Bontemps, Arna(ud) (Wendell) Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Phillips, Wendell Stanley, Wendell Meredith Willkie, Wendell L(ewis) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Arna Bontemps — Arna Wendell Bontemps (October 13, 1902 June 4, 1973) was an American poet and a noted member of the Harlem Renaissance. As the librarian at Fisk University, he established important collections of African American literature and culture,… …   Wikipedia

  • Arna Bontemps — Pour les personnes ayant le même patronyme, voir Bontemps. Arna Bontemps photographié par Carl van Vechten. Arna Wendell Bontemps (13 octobre 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Arna Bontemps — (15. August 1939) Arna Wendell Bontemps (* 13. Oktober 1902 in Alexandria, Louisiana; † 4. Juni 1973 in Nashville, Tennessee) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der als einer der führenden Persönlichkeiten der Literatur und Kulturbewegung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bontemps —   [ bɔntəmz], Arna Wendell, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Alexandria (Louisiana) 13. 10. 1902, ✝ Nashville (Tennessee) 4. 6. 1973; war anfangs von der »Harlem Renaissance« geprägt; Bontemps, selbst kreolischer Herkunft, setzte sich in seinen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Arna Wendell Bontemps — noun United States writer (1902 1973) • Syn: ↑Bontemps • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bontemps — noun United States writer (1902 1973) • Syn: ↑Arna Wendell Bontemps • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author …   Useful english dictionary

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