Bonaparte, Lucien

Bonaparte, Lucien
born May 21, 1775, Ajaccio, Corsica
died June 29, 1840, Viterbo, Italy

French nobleman and politician.

A brother of Napoleon, he became president of the Council of Five Hundred, and he helped Napoleon seize power in the Coup of 18–19 Brumaire. Lucien's belief that Napoleon's ambition jeopardized the cause of democracy led to strained relations between the brothers. However, he offered Napoleon help during the Hundred Days and was the last to defend Napoleon's prerogatives at the time of his second abdication, after which he lived in Italy.

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▪ French politician
original Italian  Luciano Buonaparte  
born May 21, 1775, Ajaccio, Corsica
died June 29, 1840, Viterbo, Italy
 Napoleon I's (Napoleon I) second surviving brother who, as president of the Council of Five Hundred at Saint-Cloud, was responsible for Napoleon's election as consul on 19 Brumaire (Nov. 10, 1799).

 Educated in France, Lucien returned to Corsica in 1789 and became an outspoken speaker in the Jacobin Club at Ajaccio. He urged his brothers to break with the Corsican patriot Pasquale Paoli, and he headed a Corsican deputation that went to France to denounce Paoli and to solicit aid against him. In the south of France he worked hard for the Jacobin cause. The coup d'etat of Thermidor (July 1794) compelled him to accept a small post at St.-Chamans. There he was arrested and imprisoned until Napoleon procured his release and found him a post as commissioner in the French army in Germany. Lucien disliked the army and was sent to Corsica. In 1798 he entered the Council of Five Hundred as deputy for Corsica. He was president of that body on 18–19 Brumaire (Nov. 9–10, 1799), when Napoleon overthrew the national councils at the palace of Saint-Cloud. By refusing to put the vote of outlawry, for which the majority of the council clamoured, by his opportune closing of the sitting, and by appealing to the soldiers outside to disperse “the representatives of the dagger,” Lucien turned the scale in favour of his brother.

      This event, the chief event of Lucien's life, was fatal to the cause of democracy of which he had been the most eager exponent. In one of his earlier letters to his brother Joseph, Lucien stated that he had detected in Napoleon “an ambition not altogether egotistic but which surpassed his love for the general weal; . . . in case of a counterrevolution he would try to ride the crest of events.” This suspicion became a dominant feeling, and the relations between Lucien and Napoleon became strained during the Consulate (1799–1804). Lucien believed that Napoleon's growing ambition for power was jeopardizing the cause of democracy. He accepted office as minister of the interior but was soon deprived of it because of political and personal differences with the first consul. Napoleon next appointed him ambassador to the court of Madrid (1800), where he again fell into disfavour. He returned to Paris and again opposed Napoleon's schemes. The breach was completed when Lucien was secretly married to Mme Jouberthou (Alexandrine de Bleschamps) despite Napoleon's express prohibition. Lucien's first wife, Christine Boyer, had died in 1800, and Napoleon had wanted him to marry the Spanish infanta Maria Luisa, the widow of Louis, king of Etruria. Ordered to leave France, Lucien lived in Italy.

      In December 1807 Napoleon sought to come to an arrangement by which Lucien would be made a French prince, provided that he would agree to have his marriage annulled. Lucien refused and left for the U.S. He was captured at sea by the British and taken to England, where he lived under light surveillance until his return to Rome in 1814. He offered Napoleon his help during the Hundred Days (1815), stood by his side in Paris, and was the last to defend Napoleon's prerogatives at the time of his second abdication. The rest of Lucien's life was spent in Italy. His publications include an epic, Charlemagne ou L'Église délivrée (1814; “Charlemagne; or, The Church Delivered”); La Vérité sur les Cent-Jours (1835; “The Truth About the Hundred Days”); and Mémoires, of which only the first volume appeared (1836).

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