Blasis, Carlo

Blasis, Carlo
born Nov. 4, 1803, Naples, Kingdom of Naples
died Jan. 15, 1878, Cernobbio, Italy

Italian ballet teacher and writer on the technique, history, and theory of dance.

He danced briefly at the Paris Opéra before being appointed director of the ballet school at Milan's La Scala in 1837, where he would train many of the most brilliant dancers of the 19th century. Among his many innovations, Blasis discovered the technique of spotting (focusing on one spot and snapping one's head around faster than one's body) to prevent dizziness when turning. Many of his teachings still form the basis of classical ballet.

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Italian ballet teacher
born Nov. 4, 1803, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]
died Jan. 15, 1878, Cernobbio, Italy

      Italian ballet teacher and writer on the technique, history, and theory of dancing. He was the first to codify and publish an analysis of the classic ballet technique in his Traité élémentaire, théorique, et pratique de l'art de la danse (1820; An Elementary Treatise upon the Theory and Practice of the Art of Dancing).

      A student of Jean Dauberval, Blasis danced briefly at the Paris Opéra, appeared in Salvatore Viganò's ballets at La Scala in Milan, and performed and choreographed at the King's Theatre in London. In 1837 he was appointed director of the ballet school at La Scala, where he trained many of the 19th century's most brilliant dancers. Carlotta Grisi and Fanny Cerrito studied with him as established stars.

      Blasis is credited with creating the position of attitude with inspiration from Giambologna's statue of Mercury; in this, the dancer's working leg is raised and extended to the back but bent at the knee. He also discovered the technique for preventing dizziness while turning, called spotting, by which the dancer can snap his head around more quickly than the rest of his body, and so be able to maintain a focus on onespotand not become dizzy. Many of Blasis' traditions and innovations, which were handed down directly through his pupils and were also recorded in his second book, The Code of Terpsichore (1830), still form the basis of classic dance training.

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