Biel, Gabriel

Biel, Gabriel
born с 1420, Speyer [Germany]
died Dec. 7, 1495, Tübingen, Württemberg

German philosopher, economist, and Scholastic theologian.

He became professor at the University of Tübingen (1484). His Collectorium circa IV libros sententiarum presented the teachings of William of Ockham; the work influenced followers known as Gabrielistae. His economic theories favoured fair taxation and price control. See also Scholasticism.

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German scholar
born c. 1420, , Speyer [Germany]
died Dec. 7, 1495, Tübingen, Württemberg

      German philosopher, economist, and one of the most distinguished Scholastic theologians of the late Middle Ages.

      Having studied at various German universities, Biel became vicar and cathedral preacher at Mainz about 1460. In 1468 he entered the Order of the Brothers of the Common Life, a religious community devoted to education and the care of the poor, and he was subsequently made prior of the brother house at Butzbach (1470) and then at Urach (1479). In 1484 he became professor of philosophy and theology at the University of Tübingen, where he served as rector in 1485 and 1489. He was named prior of Schönbuch in 1492.

      Biel's Collectorium circa IV libros sententiarum, a classical commentary on the celebrated Sentences by Bishop Peter Lombard of Paris, gives a clear and methodical exposition of the teaching of the great English philosopher William of Ockham (Ockham, William of), whose doctrine Biel supported. The work was so influential that Ockhamists at the universities of Erfurt and Wittenberg were known as Gabrielistae. Left unfinished by Biel, the Collectorium was completed by one of his followers, Wendelin Steinbach, at Tübingen in 1520; the complete work was printed at Brixen in 1574.

      A notable political economist, Biel wrote, in addition to theological treatises, a progressive work on economic theory, De potestate et utilitate monetarum (printed 1516; Treatise on the Power and Utility of Moneys), in which, among several other issues, he favours fair taxation and price control. He has been called ultimus scholasticorum (“the last of the Scholastics”).

Additional Reading
Heiko Augustinus Oberman, The Harvest of Medieval Theology: Gabriel Biel and Late Medieval Nominalism, 3rd ed. (1983).

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