Bethune, Mary (Jane) McLeod

Bethune, Mary (Jane) McLeod
orig. Mary Jane McLeod

born July 10, 1875, Mayesville, S.C., U.S.
died May 18, 1955, Daytona Beach, Fla.

U.S. educator.

Born to former slaves, she made her way through college and in 1904 founded a school that later became part of Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Fla. She was president of the college in 192342 and 194647, also serving as a special adviser to Pres. Franklin Roosevelt. Prominent in African-American organizations, particularly women's groups, she directed the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration (193644).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Bethune, Mary (Jane) McLeod — orig. Mary Jane McLeod (10 jul. 1875, Mayesville, S.C., EE.UU.–18 may. 1955, Daytona Beach, Fla.). Educadora estadounidense. Hija de ex esclavos, logró abrirse paso en la sociedad a través de la educación, y en 1904 fundó una escuela que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Mary McLeod Bethune — Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, photographed by Carl Van Vechten, April 6, 1949 Born July 10, 1875(1875 07 10) Mayesville, South Carolina, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Mary McLeod Bethune — Mary McLeod Bethune. Mary Jane McLeod Bethune (10 de julio de 1875 18 de mayo de 1955) fue una educadora y activista de los derechos civiles estadounidense reconocida por fundar un colegio para estudiantes afroamericanos en Daytona Beach ,… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Bethune — /beuh thyoohn , thoohn /, n. Mary McLeod /meuh klowd /, 1875 1955, U.S. educator and civil rights leader. * * * (as used in expressions) Bethune Louise Blanchard Bethune Mary Jane McLeod Bethune Henry Norman * * * ▪ France       town, Pas de… …   Universalium

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