Berlage, Hendrik Petrus

Berlage, Hendrik Petrus
born Feb. 21, 1856, Amsterdam, Neth.
died Aug. 12, 1934, The Hague

Dutch architect.

After studies in Zürich, he began his practice in Amsterdam (1889). His best-known work is the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (18971903), notable for its forthright use of structural steel and traditional Dutch brickwork. While visiting the U.S. (1911), he was exposed to the work of Louis H. Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright and later introduced their methods and ideas to Europe. His work was characterized by the honest use of materials based on their fundamental properties and the avoidance of meaningless ornamentation.

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Dutch architect
born Feb. 21, 1856, Amsterdam, Neth.
died Aug. 12, 1934, The Hague
 Dutch architect whose work, characterized by a use of materials based on their fundamental properties and an avoidance of decoration, exerted considerable influence on modern architecture in The Netherlands.

      Berlage studied architecture in Zürich, Switz. Following a European tour, he began his practice in Amsterdam in 1889. His best known work is the Stock Exchange in Amsterdam (18981903). It is notable for its rounded Romanesque arches and the forthright use of structural steel and traditional brick, examples of Berlage's concern that materials be used truthfully. Beginning in the early 1900s, he carried out city planning for residential areas in a number of Dutch cities. He also designed furniture and wallpaper and had considerable interest in handicrafts.

      On a visit to the U.S. in 1911, Berlage studied American building American architects Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright and introduced them to Europe. Notable Berlage buildings include the Algemeenen Nederlandschen Diamantbewerkersbond (Diamond Workers' Union building), Amsterdam (18991900), and the Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague (1934).

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  • Hendrik Petrus Berlage — Hendrik Petrus Berlage, Amsterdam, February 12 1856 mdash; The Hague August 12 1934, was a prominent Dutch architect. OverviewBerlage studied architecture under Gottfried Semper at the Zurich Institute of Technology during the 1870s after which… …   Wikipedia

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