Bellotto, Bernardo

Bellotto, Bernardo
known as Canaletto

born Jan. 30, 1720, Venice
died Oct. 17, 1780, Warsaw, Pol.

Italian painter of topographical views, known as vedute ("view paintings").

He was the nephew of Canaletto and was himself known by that name when painting outside Italy. In 1747 he left Italy to spend the rest of his life working at various European courts, most notably at Dresden for Frederick Augustus II (174766) and at Warsaw for Stanisław II (176780). His detailed views of the Polish capital were used as guides to reconstruct the historic sections of the city after their destruction in World War II. Bellotto's style is distinguishable from his uncle's by its Dutch characteristics (e.g., cast shadows, massed clouds, sombre tone and colour).

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Italian painter
also called  Canaletto Belotto,  or  Canaletto the Younger 
born Jan. 30, 1720, Venice
died Oct. 17, 1780, Warsaw, Pol.

      vedute (veduta) (“view”) painter of the Venetian school known for his carefully drawn topographical paintings of central Italian and eastern European cities.

      Bellotto studied under his uncle, Canaletto, and was himself known by that name when painting outside Italy. Bellotto's urban scenes have the same carefully drawn realism as his uncle's Venetian views but are marked by heavy shadows and are darker and colder in tone and colour. The fidelity of his views is in part attributable to the use of the camera obscura.

      He painted scenes of Venice until 1742, when he left for Rome, and, after traveling in northern Italy for a time, he permanently left the country and went to Munich in 1747. He became court painter to the elector Frederick Augustus II (later king of Poland as Augustus III) and lived mostly in Dresden from 1747 to 1766. In 1767 he went to St. Petersburg and was invited by Stanisław II of Poland to come to Warsaw and become his court painter. Bellotto's accurately detailed views of the Polish capital were used after World War II to restore the historic sections of the city.

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