Becknell, William

Becknell, William
born 1796?, Amherst county, Va., U.S.
died April 30, 1865, Texas

U.S. trader.

After settling in Missouri, he became involved in trade with the Southwest. When the Spanish prohibition on trade with New Mexico was lifted in 1821, he followed the customary route through the Colorado Rocky Mountains south to Santa Fe, where he sold his goods at great profit. The next year he pioneered a new route through the mountains of northeastern New Mexico that became known as the Santa Fe Trail. In the mid-1830s he moved to Texas, where he fought for Texas's independence.

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American explorer
born 1796?, Amherst county, Va., U.S.
died April 30, 1865, Texas

      trader of the American West who established the Santa Fe Trail.

      Upon settling in Missouri, Becknell became involved in trade with the Southwest. At the time, the Spanish government prohibited U.S. traders from selling goods in New Mexico. But after Spanish control of the area was overthrown in 1821, Americans were more welcome there. Becknell was in the southern Rockies when he learned of the change in policy, and he immediately set out for Santa Fe with his goods.

      He took the customary route, following the Arkansas River nearly to its source and then turning south, to Taos and then Santa Fe. He sold his goods at a sizable profit and resolved to return. In his venture from Missouri in 1822, Becknell pioneered a new route. After moving south from the Missouri River to the Arkansas, he followed the latter only to around the site of the present Dodge City, Kansas. There he trekked southwest to the Cimarron River, following its main fork into the Rockies, and descended through a mountain pass into Santa Fe.

      Becknell's route became famous as the Santa Fe Trail. Pioneer caravans crossed it time and again, and merchants used it to convey their products to the Southwest. Becknell followed it at least one more time before he settled in Texas in about 1834. There he fought in the war for Texan independence from Mexico (1836) and later joined the Texas Rangers.

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  • Becknell — /bek nl/, n. William, c1790 1865, U.S. frontier trader: opened Santa Fe Trail 1822. * * * …   Universalium

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